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Brimstone Shipping Company

A band of misfit crew under the employ of Kessler Ryzka, who transport freight of various natures. Even selling every manner of goods they can get their hands on, the company was founded in YE 40 in earnest, and has seen reasonable growth in recent years.

About the Brimstone Shipping Co.

Roughly started in YE 40 by Kessler Ryzka, as a cargo transportation and errand service. Their services have grown to asset and product procurement as well over the years, from a need for additional income. Hauling everything from the usual cargo, to expertly carrying hotter manifests of items. Sourcing goods for sale is done through multiple trusted sources, as well as various means of salvage. This wide range of services, allows for one aspect of the business to cover income, even when another does not.

The Brimstone began work before the company's founding in YE 39, where they made a stir in certain independent circles, setting the stage for their future work. The crew became veterans of the trade, as they handle whatever work they could get thrown their way. Having seen members come and go, with all manners of cargo having been held within their hold. The ship itself has been possibly noted in unconfirmed reports, of being part of clandestine operations, or being in odd places at odd times. This reputation and mystery, were drawing forces for clientele when the company was expanded into an official business entity.


“In the hold, and delivered for the bold.”

General Information

Brimstone Shipping Company
CEO Kessler Ryzka
Faction Independent/New Dusk Conclave
Product Symbol None


The main office for the company is located at Amit Base in the SX-01 “Vale” star system. It is currently headed by Kessler Ryzka himself, but he does the majority of his business on the go from his ship, the ISS Brimstone for which the company is named after. It is a full suite of offices, with company owned residential space, with recreational rooms, and its own eatery. It takes advantage of the port being the major center and gateway of trade for the nation, and being a rather bustling port of international trade.


Here are all the properties and assets under company ownership.

Amit Base HQ

Located in SX-01 “Vale” star system, and is the company's main office. This includes full offices, residential, cafeteria, rec rooms, and even warehouses. This port is the outer most in the NDC systems, and is the the central port of international trade for the territory. This makes shipping a premium, and cargo plentiful, while also giving a ear to all the passer throughs of various nations. It also offers ease of access to both the NDC, and independent space. Run by Kessler Ryzka himself, however, he does the majority of his business on the go from his ship the ISS Brimstone.

Independent Station Alamo

The secondary offices for the company, only offering a single warehouse, rented docking berth for repairs and port visits. It is more like a clubhouse in how it mixes recreations, living space, and simple office equipment. This acts as a small home away from home out in the independent territories. Located three days north of the Vale system found in the territory of the NDC, deep in independent and unclaimed systems.


These are all the various layers of the company, its operational structure.

Sole Proprietor

The owner of the company, and founder is Kessler Ryzka, who started the company in YE 40. He runs the company solo, save for a trusted few handling general operations, while he also handles all points of major contact with his larger clients. He carries out most of the business's larger jobs himself with his flagship, the ISS Brimstone.

Freight Fleet

The company has a modest fleet of ships, though only currently numbering at three. These are the vessels that take care of the bread and butter operations of day to day Brimstone Shipping Co. services. Crewed with personnel that have undergone extensive background diving, and sought after for particular outstanding skills. These crews, are always dedicated to the job, even if that work is sometimes a bit morally grey in nature.

Ships in Fleet

Offices and Warehouses

These are where the majority of unhauled cargo is handled, and off ship assets. The offices taking care of logistics, as well as minor day to day paper work and administration tasks. These are largely located at common places of received contracts, that have been given on a regular basis from client entities. There are some located in each system of the NDC territory, and in a few independent systems, but is hopefully looking forward to expanding to other regions in the near future.

Goods and Services

Here are the listed stock, and various services that this company has to offer.

OOC Notes

Jack Pine created this article on 2021/03/24 09:57.

totally not stake outs and sneaky work
can sometimes be called theft for the morally grey
just errands