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Paxton Daysun

Paxton Daysun is a Players Character played by Nick.1)

General Info

Daysun, Paxton
Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Family: Father: Ishamial Daysun, Light Vehicle Engineer. Mother: Alta Daysun, Shipping Coordinator.
Employer: Star Army Reserve
Rank: Soldier, Third Class (Santo Hei)
Current Assignment: Fort Victory Reserve Center

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'6“
Mass: 285 lbs
Measurements: -
Bra Size: -

Build and Skin Color: Very large and muscular for a Yamataian, but otherwise well proportioned. Light skin color.

Facial Features and Eye Color: Green eyes and a large nose. Red “scruffy” hair.

Distinguising Features: A small scar across the bridge of his nose from a previous cook plate accident.

Psychological Characteristics

Because of Paxtun's unusual size, he is often very clumsy and accident prone. This characteristic causes him to often detest his size and the attention that it garners. Generally he attempts to compensate for this by taking extra caution with his movements and an almost forced awareness of his bulkiness, however, oftentimes he forgets himself and tends to bump into people or objects.

Intelligence is not Paxtun's strong suit, but he manages to get by as an Engine Maintenance Technician. This causes him to possess the type of courage and fearlessness that can only come from ignorance.

While generally upbeat, he has a tendency to be quite shy in social situations. Paxtun is a very independent individual, and though he strives for social contact and friends, is usually unsure of what to say.

Likes: Tinkering and building; Puzzles; Anything that can absorb his mind for an extended amount of time; Exercise - Running, Boxing, Weight Lifting; Situations where his size/strength come in handy (feeling needed/wanted)
Dislikes: Being called “stupid” or “klutz” tends to be particularly hurtful.
Goals: Overcome his tendency to be shy; Accomplish himself as a good mechanic.


Born (YE 07) and raised an only child on Yamatai, Paxton had a healthy family life with an appreciative and caring mother and father. Despite this, he rarely keeps in touch with his parents at present, mostly due to an inability to articulate the things happening in his life.

As a child, he was teased for his social and physical awkwardness, which tended to cause a lot of fights among his peers. When confused or unsure, he used his muscle to solve his problems, causing plenty of broken noses, or property damage if something wasn't working.

His father had been a light vehicle repair technician of great repute, and when he would bring home projects, would invite his son to help. It was then that Paxtun had found solace and balance, as the projects would occupy his mind for the duration. For someone with such large fingers, he became quite adept and nimble with them for working on smaller designs and repairs. He eventually took a job with a starship repair company and worked as a repair mechanic for a short time.

Wanting to see more of what the universe had to offer, he applied to the Star Army of Yamatai as an Engine Maintenance Technician to see what else he could learn from them.


Engine/vehicle repair/maintenance

While hardly considered an expert, he is quite capable, and tends to accelerate quite quickly in this field.


Can adequately pilot most land based light transport vehicles, though his experience is limited to only a fair amount more than moving vehicles around the garage his father worked at.

Fighting (Hand-to-hand combat, Boxing)

While his fight training is limited to what he has learned and taught himself from schoolyard scuffles and boxing at the local gym, his sheer stature tends to overpower most opponents and he's not afraid to take a punch.

Physical (running, , swimming, heavy lifting)

While running and swimming were more of a hobby than a necessity, he often helped his mother, a shipping coordinator, lift heavy packages and boxes. He can move and carry a considerable amount more than the average Yamataian. Paxton tends to keep in excellent physical condition.

Technology Operation

Can proficiently operate any computer using the Kessaku OS. This also extends to diagnostic tools used in repairs.


Capable of designing and inventing new tools and machinery to fill a ships needs.


While not trained in survival, nor an expert, a basic resourcefulness and a stainless-steel-stomach has gotten him out of trouble more than once. Also, with his accident prone nature, he has learned very basic amount of first aid, though this hardly qualifies as medical treatment.

Character Data
Character NamePaxton Daysun
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusReserve
SAOY RankSantô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Technician
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center