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Kazumi "Halfetti" Kurobawa

Kazumi Kurobawa is a Active Player Character played by Charmaylarg. Her name is spelled with the symbols in Yamataigo of “和” (kazu) for “harmony” or “peace,” and “美” (mi) for “beauty.” while her surname is “黒” “Kuro” for “black” and “薔薇” “Bawa” for “Rose”

Kazumi Kurobawa
Age: 61)
Species & Gender: Female Blue Dai Oni
Organization: Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Occupation: Science Cadet
Rank: Science Cadet
Current Placement: Motoyoshi Rising

Physical Description

Kazumi has unblemished and distinct pale azure blue skin on a slender and tall physique at five-foot-eleven, although lacking in muscular definition her body conveys an inherent grace and fragility with no body fat but also little to no muscle mass. She possesses long arms and legs and thin wrists that end in long digits with long nails often painted black or white. She also has promising hips, and a modest-sized chest for her build adding mature features to an already feminine frame without being outwardly sexual-her body has all the right curves and definition to make up for any diminishment in her female traits.

On her head Kazumi has two, matte-black colored horns the color of charcoal. They are smooth to the touch except for a few grooves and notches and Kazumi's right horn is a quarter inch shorter than her left which is no small amount of embarrassment for her when pointed out after part of her right horn broke off when she was little and did not grow back as fast. Each horn is strong and sturdy and ends at a sharp point she sometimes files down to be blunt. Kazumi often paints the base of her horns with long-lasting paints in patterns such as flower petals at the base of each horn. She also sometimes wears one or more rings made of a strong and heavy gunmetal fashioned by her father which are fitted to the various grooves of her horns.

Her facial features are sharp and well-defined, with eyes that are almond-shaped and a soft but piercing shade of pink, radiating a sense of depth and emotion as well as an air of intelligence and wisdom. Her long, silken-soft snow-white hair is styled in a hime-cut, extending down her back. Her bangs, which are about half the length of the rest of her hair, frame her face delicately. She has also short, elf-like ears that have been previously pierced in several places.

Kazumi's unique combination of features creates a striking image of young beauty, fragility, and intelligence.

Kazumi has a number of quirks that seem neither genetic nor manufactured as well. She is physically weak despite any fitness on her part though her body is just as resilient as any other Dai Oni. Kazumi also has a near-supernatural tolerance for alcohol and while never testing her limits has never either in celebration or ceremony gotten more than a 'buzz' while elders in her clan would already be on the floor.


Kazumi possesses a complex and intriguing personality. At first glance, she appears aloof, maintaining a certain distance from others. She carries herself with an air of Noblese Oblige, almost ephemeral in nature, suggesting a sense of inherent responsibility, duty, and reliability. Her soft-spoken manner and noble bearing create an impression of someone with a higher purpose, as if she were meant for something more. However, when actually speaking to her, the facade seems to hide a skittish and insecure young girl with little practical real-world experience. She is easily intimidated and quick to frighten, closer to a coward at heart than any bravery she might cling to. Under pressure, she is prone to freezing or choking up.

Beneath this intellectual facade lies a part of Kazumi that, despite her revulsion by it, she has no control over. Despite her typically skittish and easily intimidated demeanor, she can't help but be drawn to the fascination of pain. When she witnesses someone experiencing physical pain or the sight of blood or injury, Kazumi struggles to understand or control herself or her actions. She feels an intense thrill and becomes physically excited, despite not mentally reveling in the pain of others. Moreover, when she herself experiences pain, her reaction is paradoxical; she becomes excited despite having a low tolerance for physical discomfort or pain. Kazumi suppresses these urges and experiences to the best of her ability and is horrified by them, equally frightened by the stigma such a condition would draw from others if it became known. Kazumi becomes, in essence, an unwilling sadist and masochist that deeply frightens her at times, leading her to question whether it's more than just a mental state and if it represents who she truly is on the inside should her heart demon ever be indulged.

In addition to these traits, Kazumi holds the strong spiritual beliefs of her people much like a classic belief in Wyrd where she believes in the various spirits and their energies. She sees the world as interconnected through these forces, guiding her actions and influencing her understanding of the world around her. These beliefs provide her with a unique perspective on life and contribute to her sense of duty and responsibility toward maintaining harmony in her environment.


Kazumi can speak fluent Yamataigo (邪馬台語) as well as the insular language of the Troll. She has an almost passable grasp of Trade (language).


Kazumi Kurobawa was born 35日 9月 38 in Onigashima (Planet). Kazumi Kurobawa's history is a tale of unique beginnings on Onigashima. She is the daughter of pioneering parents who were among the first generations of trolls on the planet. Her mother, driven by a desire for change and exploration, underwent the groundbreaking transformation into a Dai Oni body, while her father remained a troll. It was a daring move that defied convention to try, yet their races' biological compatibility allowed for the possibility to have a child that would become Kazumi.

Kazumi was born in the year YE 40, a product of her parents' union. Growing up, she navigated the complexities of being born to parents from different races in a body few had yet mastered navigating, but her unique heritage also offered her a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives. As she matured into adulthood over the course of five years, Kazumi found herself drawn to the natural world that surrounded her on Onigashima.

Her infatuation with the agriculture and botanical sciences cultivated by her people became a driving force in her life. She immersed herself in the intricacies of cultivation, growth, and the sciences that underpinned it all. Kazumi's thirst for knowledge and her passion for the planet's unique ecosystem led her to pursue extensive schooling in botanical sciences. Her journey of self-discovery and her exploration of the fascinating world of agriculture set the stage for the complex character she would become. Comming of age in late YE 44 she would seek to join the Star Army of Yamatai but was found by her clan elders to be “Fell of spirit and soul” and to be in posession of a body “Unfit for the path of heros”. Seeing something in Kazumi that she herself had tried to hide growning up in a fell curse that befell her when in proximity to those in discomfort she took it as an omen that the spirits willed that the path of a warrior would be folly if it would feed her heart demon.

Not disheartened she would seek under the reccomendation of her elders a place in the yugumo Spacey and the Motoyoshi expedition fleet to parts of space unknown where she might broaden her horizons and bring fame to her name and glory to her people through her botanical sciences and findings instead of as a war hero.

Skills Learned

Skill Description
Botany Kazumi possesses an extensive knowledge of plant life, from the tiniest of flora to the largest of trees. She understands their growth patterns, ecological roles, and how to cultivate various species.
Xenoflora Study Through her studies, Kazumi has become well-versed in the identification and study unique flora. She can identify, classify, and analyze alien plant life, contributing to scientific understanding.
Agriculture With a deep passion for agriculture, Kazumi excels in crop cultivation, soil management, and sustainable farming practices. Her expertise is easily scaleable to colony development and planning to include agriculture.
Naturalism Kazumi's deep connection to the natural world extends to her artistic pursuits. She is a skilled naturalist painter, capturing the beauty of natures landscapes and its flora in her artwork. Her art is often very spiritualist in design and contains mixed symbology and meaning grafted of her people and its beliefs.
Bio-Terraforming Building on her botanical expertise, Kazumi is proficient in bio-terraforming, a crucial skill for transforming and adapting ecosystems to meet specific needs such as the introduction of specific plant life to change the terraformology of a planet to alter or enhance a biome by introducing specific fauna.
Medicinal Herbs Her knowledge of plants extends to their medicinal properties even if Kazumi's actual medical expertise is just barely greater than zero. Kazumi can identify both natural and cultivated herbs and salves that while not as effective as advanced medicines is a practice of her people all the same.
Cooking Kazumi is an accomplished cook who enjoys preparing meals using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Her culinary skills are enriched by her use of homegrown herbs and spices.

Social Connections

Inventory & Finance

Kazumi Kurobawa has the following:

OOC Information

This page was created by charmaylarg on 09, 30 2023 at 18:12 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameKazumi Kurobawa
Character OwnerCharmaylarg
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)
Character's HomeOnigashima (Planet)
PlotsMotoyoshi Rising
born YE:38
“an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.”