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Elise Young

Elise Young is an NPC originally created by Wes.

Elise Young
Species & Gender Female
Organization: Origin Industries
Current Placement:

Character Description

Elise has brown hair and brown eyes. She is cheerful and has a ton of energy. Sometimes she gets so excited she shakes.

She wants to learn more about herself. She always looks forward and gets really excited in a lot of situations. She's hard working and doesn't like to waste time. She's quick to trust people and when given some time to think things over she ends up trusting most people. She's clean cut.

Elise has a hobby of fashion. She likes to experiment with things and does a lot of engineering. She likes to change things out with different fabrics, colors, and styles of jewelry she's gotten from various places.

History & Relationships

Elise's first and only job so far in her life is as a sales representative for Origin Industries of Yamatai.


OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2020/01/18 13:31.

Artwork by Wes using art generated by Wes at and background purchased from Adobe Stock.

This character is adoptable if Wes is gone for over a year or if you ask Wes. Any GM can use her as an NPC.

Character Data
Character NameElise Young
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationSunrise Station