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Spark is an NPC controlled in part by GM Madi Harper who appears in 188-604.

Species & Gender Female human
Organization: Section 6/SABER
Occupation: Bravo Team Rifleman
Rank: Corporal
Current Placement: Section 6

Character Description

Spark (22F) is a female clone of Jack Pine created by Psychopomp as part of a clone army project, recovered in early YE 40 by SABER forces. She's known to be defective, with almost none of the mental conditioning taking hold, leaving a bright and friendly personality. She's a skilled rifleman, heavy drinker, and can be rather dumb, at times. Though she can, and has, scored Sharpshooter in a 40-20-20 marksmanship qualification round with a blood alcohol content of .17.

She is approximately six feet tall, with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her body form is similar to that of Sarah Pine, being rather large in the chest and hips for an engineered soldier, though solidly muscular and with improved muscle density.

She keeps her platinum blonde hair cut short and touselled, to not interfere with the neck seals of her amor.

History & Relationships

Spark was created by Psychopomp LLC as part of a clone army project, of which Jack Pine and Lazarus were prototypes. She was built as an augmented version of Sarah Pine, with Jack's genetic augments. Unfortunately, multiple small defects in the coding caused most of her mental conditioning to fail, allowing her to have a distinct personality from the start. She was recovered by SABER forces during Operation Hades.

Due to this, much of her training was subconscious or not easily accessible, causing SABER to have to retrain her as a trooper. During training, she earned her name by attempting to clean a storm rifle while the barrel rails were still charged, severely electrocuting herself. While this incident put her in Medical for a few days, she proved to be a talented trooper, and was eventually selected for the special operations fireteam “Bravo Team”. There, she proved herself to be a potent force multiplier and tactically savvy, especially during a recent bug hunt where she and several others managed to kill two Crab Misshhu in under a minute.

She was, however, minorly injured when a boulder landed on her cover, pinning her in Revenant combat armor under several tons of stone and debris. After recovering and returning to active duty, she continued to pleasantly surprise her superiors, even striking a competitive relationship with Sarah Pine.

Later that month, there was a development. During a standard ST checkup, it was found that Spark's mind copied from ST behaved differently than she did, normally. This is due to the standard Psychopomp programming taking over and wiping her personality when the ST copy was activated, rendering her a normal and properly operating drone. The reason it hadn't until now was discovered to be minor neural structure anomalies consistent with autism spectrum disorders. These held the programming in the subconscious, just out of reach of her normal mind, and thus, what did leak through was the minor training imposed on a brain structure echo of her genetic donor.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Madi Harper on 2018/07/15 10:49.

(Put art credits if applicable)