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Jaina Derring

Jaina Derring is a NPC controlled by GM ShotJon who appears in the Bounty Hunter Series plot.

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: F
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Mercenary
Rank: Top Dog
Current Placement: Planet Nepleslia

Character Description

Jaina is a 32 years old woman with medium length straight red hair. She stands at five feet, nine inches and her face is oval with thin lips and a small nose. She has green eyes and she tends to wear something on her head all the time, whether it is a helmet in combat or beret/hat outside of it.

Jaina can be a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, as she tends to be bossy around people. On the other hand she cares for those who work with and under her, and likes to lead by example, tending to not be -or seem- scared of anything. Her military past gave her a no-nonsense personality, which translated in that she does all she can do to get the job done, as far as it does not cause too many losses on her team.

Jaina does not like loudmouths and people who talk back to her, she tends to put them in their places using various means; usually violent ones.

History and Relationship Notes

Funky City born, Jaina grew up in the better parts of the town, but she tended to go out into the worse ones. She liked to run around, get in trouble and cause trouble, and jacking cars became an all-time favorite activity along with gang wars. Still in her later teenage years, her parents wanted to get away from such life and enrolled her to a good school. Unhappy at first, Jaina went there and was given a good education thanks to that.

When Nepleslia broke away from Yamataian empire, Jaina was pretty happy. Sadly a civil war started soon after and she signed up. The woman ended up with the marines, fighting for the Greens. She rolled through the ranks fairly fast and did her best in combat, showing no mercy for reds and turning out to be a good leader.

Already a Chief, she also fought in the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. She was part of first battle of Rok'veru and even fought in streets of Funky City during an invasion. With the end of the war, Jaina left the marines to seek a work of her own, since her skills were mostly situated around combat, she started a small mercenary band situated on Delsauria.

While on Delsauria she got to do several jobs, mainly side ones for the local police force. Mostly it was a bandit hunting, looking up different bounties. One of the bigger jobs was escorting a caravan through a bandit-ridden stretch of desert. There her band fought alongside of group of Bounty Hunters, and when the bandits sprung a trap on the caravan, both parties fended it off.

Later off the same group of Bounty Hunters who turned out to als be working with local police hired her to attack a factory owned by a local gang. The gang was supplied several personal combat robots, turning out to be a bit of challenge. Jaina's group suffered some losses, but she and Bounty Hunters emerged victorious from the job. After that assignment, Jaina's band became one of the main contacts whenever these Bounty Hunters needed the extra muscle.

Missions with bounty hunters

Skill Areas