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Gut-stripe is an NPC controlled by Littlewasp.

Species: I'ee
Gender: Female
Organization: Thi-thi
Occupation: De-facto Commander
Height: Four feet, five inches
Current Placement: Joint Technological Expedition

Character Description

A veteran of many battles both against other I'ee as well as the growing threat of the NMX, Gut-stripe is a fearless and ruthless warrior. Favouring the use of her rapier-esque weapon in close-combat, her nickname stems from her preference of painting over her yellow body markings with blood-red paint.

Though Gut-stripe was taken on board the JTE as a military advisor and commander of escort craft, her natural air of authority has given her command of the expedition as a whole. This authority is challenged only by the peaceful Ee'ith representatives and their own de-facto leader, Sammy.


Most of Gut-stripe's life is a mystery even to herself, having always been living in the moment, like many of her warrior sisters. Ironically, her accomplishments are best known to other I'ee rather than herself, with a reputation that is revered and feared.

With a great accumulation of experience commanding vessels against small, NMX scouting parties, she is consumed by a desire to acquire better tactics as well as defensive and weapons technology. Inwardly, she is afraid of what she believes to be the beginnings of an invasion into I'ee space by alien civilisations, and is determined to prepare the I'ee as a whole to defend themselves.

As a result, she finds the Ee'ith family's childish and naive outlook on interspecies diplomacy to be infuriating, believing that their presence in the expedition will invite danger.

Skill Areas


Character Data
Character NameGut-stripe
Character OwnerLittlewasp
Character StatusInactive Player Character