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Raya'suf Pushkin

Raya'suf Pushkin is a player character played by Notamedicalprofessional.

Raya'suf Pushkin
Species & Gender: Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) Male
Date of Birth: ER750v [32 in YE46]
Organization: Kingdom Fall
Occupation: Underground Doctor
Rank: Initiate
Current Placement: Netoshen

Preferred Plots:

  1. Kingdom Fall

Physical Description

Raya'suf stands at an above-average height for his species, around five-foot-two, and weighs around fifty-two kilograms. He holds a decently sized build, not from an athletic lifestyle but rather the fitness needed for his profession. He has large, though smaller than average, pointed ears similar to those of a fox; and white fur covers the exterior of these. This white fur, in fact, extends into his hair, rather seen as an extension of his fur rather than a separate feature; which happens to be a neatly kept, albeit quite long, straight hair. This is contrasted by deep, ocean-blue eyes that seem to follow, and dig into, anybody and everybody he meets.

As mentioned before, his fur, albeit barely visible and almost misidentified as his skin, is a pale, snow-white texture. This colour continues onto his tail, though is contrasted by a deep, staining blood-red tinge that hangs at the tip of his tail. Everything about this figure, from the clothes he wears to the way he acts, seems to exude a sense of someone trying their hardest to blend in and fit in; even if they aren't outcasted.


Hardworking, dutiful and extremely loyal. Three words you could use to describe Raya'suf in a very accurate, albeit very surface-level, manner. Raya'suf wasn't born into the pleasures of the nobility, but rather the loving arms of parents who only wanted the best for him. His mother suffered from a condition that made child-bearing an almost impossibility for her, and yet he was born anyway. This made Raya'suf appreciate life, as he had been given a chance that, by all odds, should have never came. Every living, waking moment is an opportunity for Raya'suf to seize the day, and make something of the world.

Raya'suf from an early age was taught about how kindness and loyalty to those you saw as family, not just your own biological family, was the best way to seize opportunity and to celebrate life itself; and that's how this fox lives.

Raya'suf, despite this, isn't the best socially. Growing up sheltered from a then-struggling world, Raya'suf never had the social upbringing most kids got; rather spending his days indoors and reading. While this only helped him flourish in an academic environment, this did little to endear him to the local kids. However, because of this, Raya'suf was, and still is, very academically gifted. His interest was into the biological make-up of his species, or rather his sub-species, and what made them so different from their original species. This further led into an interest in the medical world.


Raya'suf Pushkin was born in YE 14 in the city of Kester, Nesha Prime (Planet), through a case of miraculous birth. Raya'suf's mother, afflicted with a terrible condition that made childbearing incredibly dangerous and extremely difficult for her, managed to pull through and give birth to Raya'suf. Both his mother and his father cared for him deeply because of this, and this led to Raya'suf developing a deep bond and attachment with his mother and father, strong even by the standards of his species, considering they hold familial bonds so highly.

This bond, however, did have it's downsides. His parents, wishing to keep their only child safe, sheltered him for a large majority of his childhood. With nothing to do, as he had little interaction with the local children, Raya'suf stuck his head down and began doing the only thing he could do with his time; studying. Raya'suf was naturally gifted when it came to his intelligence, and this headstart on academics only furthered his reputation as a child-prodigy. His teachers in school were reporting that his tests came back almost fully correct, if not fully aced, and that he was not only understanding the materials well, but actually thriving in an academic environment.

This didn't mean that all was well in the life of the young Raya'suf, either. His intelligence drew the ire, or perhaps jealousy, of some of the bigger and more socially dominant kids in the classroom. They picked on Raya'suf, and mocked him daily; which did little to help the young boys isolation and social issues. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. His studies turned towards more noble goals, rather than just overall knowledge, and focused on the health and wellbeing of those around him. These issues, despite the bullying, didn't stop his goodwilled nature, and Raya'suf wanted to make a change in the world; even if it was a small position. He'd take anything.

He'd spend the next few years, uneventful as they were, studying and hoping that his wishes were answered. He'd take anything, anything to help others. A backwater physician role in some mining colony, even.

And then his salvation came.

It was an offer from a prestigious medical school in Netoshen. He'd have to move away from his family, and move to Netoshen, but it was the offer the boy was waiting a lifetime for. His parents urged him to take it, that he'd live just fine without them; but would he?

The answer to that, sadly, is no.

Upon arriving at the school, Raya'suf discovered that these classes were chock-full of the same sorts of people as him. People who had studied their whole lives for this, as well as those who were gifted, or rather well-connected enough, to get onto this course. His grades weren't dropping for the first year or so, but they weren't fantastic either. Eventually the home-sickness kicked in, and the boy, for the first time in his life, was stumped. For the first time ever, he'd handed in an assignment empty; and this pattern continued. It ranged from failed assignments, to no-shows to lectures.

Eventually the school was forced to cut his scholarship, and he was to return home immediately, if he could afford the ticket home; and could afford to bear the shame of letting his family down. Raya'suf did not want to let his parents down, and in a deluded act of preservation, refused to go home. He worked dead-end jobs, earning the bare-mininum to scrape by.

And then old contacts came knocking.

An old professor of his contacted him, offering him a handsome sum of money in return for a favour. A medical favour, in fact. While the professor could not possibly risk being caught and sentenced for surgeries and operations that were dubious at best and straight up illegal at worst, a failed prodigy could fit the bill.The professor would funnel the patients to Raya'suf, and he'd operate on them.

It was a steady, although unstable lifestyle, until the professor was eventually uprooted and caught for running a similar operation with another ex-student of his. Fearing the worst, Raya'suf went underground and began operating out the basement of an apartment building deep within the cities residential district.

Skills Learned

Raya Suf Pushkin has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Raya'sufn is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Raya'suf has no equipment of note at this current moment in time.

Raya'suf Pushkin currently has 3200 RN.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/03/05 11:41 using the namespace template.

In the case Notamedicalprofessional becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameRaya'suf Pushkin
Character OwnerNotamedicalprofessional
Character StatusActive Player Character
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