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Proykla'hana Karekhrabro

Proykla'hana Karekhrabro is a player character played by IQ.

Proykla'hana Karekhrabro
Species & Gender: Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) Male
Date of Birth: Era of Restart 747 (32 in YE40)
Organization: Kingdom of Neshaten
Occupation: Field Operator
Rank: Operator
Current Placement: Neshaten Division 5

Preferred Plots:

Physical Description

Proykla'hana, or Hana for short, is a Daur that stands on a ~140 centimeter, roughly converted to ~4'59. Following the traditional bodyshape of most Daur, Hana is just a bit more muscled due to his service in with the military and police. And at the age of 32, he's still more than fit. Hana has a rougher, more square face, often with stubble or the inkling of a beard present. With pronounced cheekbones and a strong, outlined jaw. Short, messy black hair and bright green eyes. His fur and tail follow the same black colour as his hair, though the tip sports an obvious white colour.

Hana is more than often clad in a proper, formal suit. Even in his casual demeanour, he wears these formal and rather expensive suits.


Hana is an asshole, for starters. He's not nice, nor particularily friendly. Driving jokes too far, as well as meeting anyone he doesn't particularily like with distrust and even insults as blatant as appearance or behaviour. He's a surprisingly cold and uncaring individual, sarcastic to boot. Though this is to compensate and hide deep-rooted issues, both due to the things he's witnessed and experienced, as well as a shoddy upbringing. People have attempted to adress these issues, though he absolutely loathes taking therapy and has cussed his way out of multiple offices.

His general behaviour is no nonsense and down to earth. He's both creative and extremely efficient in whatever he invests time in, though a bad trait is his addiction to alcohol. As soon as he has a reason to drink, he will drink. Having often claimed he doesn't have a drinking problem since it's 1201, which means it's afternoon. And high time for a drink during lunch. Though surprisingly, he hides inebriated extremely well and acts like the sarcastic asshole he always is.


Hana always had been a problem child. Born in a less than kind family, both due to weald, him being an 'accident' and his abusive father. Who he absolutely came to loathe. As soon as he could break from his parents, the young Hana did so, changing his name legally and enlisting in the military. Both his parents tried to reach out, though he's ignored them ever since. And has no plans to answer them, he still holds a deep grudge.

As a soldier, Hana served his home and protected it. Though several battles took their toll on the poor daur, causing him to be rather battle-scarred. He became delusioned by the military, since in the off time, he had nowhere to go. Turning to the streets to see injustice done there. Turning to the bottle as a comfort, he pardoned himself and offered his discharge, serving several weeks in the barracks, where his drinking habit became worse. Before finally being discharged with several medals to show. It was then that he sobered up again, becoming a cadet and finally, being thrown out into the streets as a junior officer. Where his street smarts developed quickly. His ruthless persecution of criminals and his charismatic knack showed. Promotions came rapidly and soon, he was a detective, where he started to dress smart and sharp, expensive suits and clothing was one of the things he used his salary on. Though he always claimed he loved his job, so he could look good doing it.

Being handpicked and approached about a position as Division 5 operator was something he took a bit to think about. But several days of thinking it through, he accepted.

Skills Learned

Optional section. Proyklahana Karekhrabro has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Hana is connected to:

Inventory & Finance


Armour / Clothing

Hana currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

In the case iq becomes inactive: