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Prok'Hor Spyr'Idon Stahp

Prok Hor Spyr Idon Stahp is a player character played by Phoondelmar.

Prok'hor Spyr'idon Stahp
Species: Shukaren Daur
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5'4“
Weight: 120 lbs
Organization: Neshaten Shukara Navy
Occupation: Combat Medic
Rank: C'Baruce
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

  1. NSV Gam'trosha

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: A tall Daur with a slightly muscular frame. His skin under the fur is of the typical white variety.

Eyes and Facial Features: Stahp has slitted round eyes, with small iris painted in a pale gold.

Ears: Long rounded ears with black tuffs of fur in them.

Hair Color and Style: Stahp's fur is white with the tail tip dipped in black. His hair is kept short and out of the way.

Distinguishing Features:

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Stahp is a very loving but strict individual. He carries himself as a proper person and expects the same of others. The only time when he is lax with his strict beliefs is when he is tending to those who aren't able to take care of themselves such as the wounded or weak.


Family (or Creators)


U'Had had been a doctor who ran his own clinic. He soon married one of the nurses whom worked for him and together they sired a son, Stahp. They had a happy life together as they raised their son. Stahp enjoyed spending time in his father's clinic, watching his father work and chatting with patients. To the boy, the clinic was the happiest place in the world. He would also often play with a younger Liebe girl who's family had been a close friend to his own. Their time together made him think of her more as a sister then a friend. In time, that thought would become truth. By the time Stahp reached the age of 12 a Laibe family brought in their son into his father's clinic, believing U'had could save him even though they thought ill of Daurs. The Laibe child was beyond help and when the patient died, the family blame it on the incompetence of a Daur.

A few nights later the Prok'Hor's family home caught fire, taking the lives of U'Had and his wife. Stahp would have died as well if it wasn't for the reckless young Laibe girl he had called his sister. Later after the commotion had died down, the Sha'Ri adopted him into their family.


Stahp is currently serving as a combat medic aboard the Nsv Gam'trosha along with his adopted sister, Ari'su. At the moment he has yet to settle in giving the fact that a mock battle was initiated mere moments after he boarded the vessel.



Because of how important history is, but also in order to curb the racial problems that would naturally exist in their culture, all Neshaten are taught about their past and what lead up to them having to colonize a new world but also about their allies the My'leke or the Shukaren. This is also related to law as well, where-as a soldier must know their Kingdoms laws so they can enforce them when needed.


In order to be a healer, Stahp had to have learned about biology of the Neshaten races.

Medical and Science

Stahp had always been fascinated by his father work and the way he treated his patients with kindness. Not a day went by without there being laughter in his father's clinic. After his father's death, he became determined to become a healer himself and bring smiles to those in need.


All Neshaten, Myleke and Shukaren alike, are taught hand-to-hand combat. However, Stahp has been familiar with fighting since he was a child, often becoming invovled in the trouble his sister would cause.


The art of surviving in battle and addressing the wounds that a soldier may take is an important skill that they must not only learn but also perfect.

Land navigation is important, as it helps the marine know where he or she is.


As a soldier, he specialized in long range combat as a sniper so he is trained in the tasks of recon. He has learnt the art of stealth and deception on the battlefield.


Prok'hor Spyr'idon Stahp has the following items:


Prok'hor Spyr'idon Stahp is currently a C'Baruce in the Neshaten Shukara Navy.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
5000 RN Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameProk'Hor Spyr'Idon Stahp
Character OwnerPhoondelmar
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Neshaten Personnel
OccupationNeshaten Marine