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Charlotte Fletcher

Charlotte Fletcher is a Active Player Character played by Anno Nano.

Charlotte Fletcher
Species & Gender: Female kitsune Mutants
Organization: Shasta No Sekai
Occupation: Mecha Pilot
Rank: New recruit
Current Placement:

Physical Description

Charlotte stands at a height of 5'4“ with a lithe frame, she's toned but not overly so, giving her a typical “runners build”. She has fair smooth skin, with a number of scars marring its surface from fights her obstinate personality has gotten her into.

Her hair is usually left in a slightly tangled mess that if straightened would reach to her mid-back, while it might look completely unorganised she does make sure to cover up her lack of human ears at least. Her face would be considered conventionally attractive, if it wasn't for the near permanent look of slight annoyance plastered on it when dealing with non mutants.


As an early stage fox mutant, Charlotte has a number of mutations; although she can mostly pass for a regular human it would be with great difficulty.

As her blood is quite obviously tainted with fox dna, she has some more acute senses than a baseline human. Her hearing and sense of smell are significantly better than a regular human, although that sense of smell is something she would rather have gone without considering where she grew up. Her sight isn't really any better, although she can adapt to low light levels faster than humans.

She lacks typical human ears, instead having a large pair of triangular fox ears atop her head. They grant her more acute hearing than most humans, although it is much more directional than the human ear perceives, sometimes making it difficult to make out sound from directly behind her. They swivel slightly in response to noise, although she doesn't have a great deal of conscious control over their movements. Her eyes also bear vulpine slit pupils.

Perhaps her most dramatic mutation is not one but a bundle of seven fox tails, each is long enough to drag on the floor if she doesn't curl them upwards slightly and covered in thick fur the same colour as her hair. While they will typically move through subconscious thought to aid her balance, she can enact a level of control over them; although consciously controlling them all to move separately at the same time is too difficult to do for long.

Her ears and tails are especially sensitive and thanks to how fluffy they are, have attracted a few wandering hands over the years; something that has often ended up with her turning around and trying to clock the offending party with a quick jab to the stomach. Despite how inconvenient her tails and ears are to her daily life, she always keeps them well groomed.


Charlotte has a rather “rough” personality, high energy and enthusiastic, although quick to anger if someone pisses her off. Her fuse is notably shorter around non mutants however, and practically non-existent around anyone touching her mutant features without asking. She has a tendency to be a bit of a cocky ass and while that hasn't steered her too wrong so far in life, picking fights in a bar you shouldn't is at worse gonna get you a trip to the hospital; in a mech it'd get whatever's left of you scraped off the floor and shoved into a bin bag.

She is quite personable, especially around other mutants and non mutants that give her the chance to warm up to them. Charlotte also leans towards being quite “in group-y”, something baked into her personality during her childhood; while it means that she is fiercely loyal to those she considers close friends, it'd be impossible to consider it a purely positive aspect of her personality. Perhaps one of her worst personality traits is a penchant for flying into a rage upon being mistaken for a Neshatenian Daur, due to her similar appearance to the species. One particular incident where some do gooder Neshaten tourists tried to “take her back home” with them has left her with a very sour opinion of the citizens of the Kingdom.




Charlotte Fletcher was born 25日 7月 21 in Funky City. Growing up without ever knowing her parents, Charlotte spent her formative years in a falling apart orphanage in the slums of Funky City; the experience hardening her personality to what it is now as well as instilling in her that in-group tendency. After all, the only people she could rely on was the owners of the orphanage and her fellow children.

As an adolescent she frequently got caught up in trouble, while an early stage mutant typically experiences less overt discrimination than their later stage counterparts, it doesn't stop that underlying distrust many “regulars” seem to have for them. Hence, not able to hold down more formal employment, she was forced to work with and for gangs; mainly as a runner, while stealing anything she needed that couldn't be bought with her meagre earnings. This lifestyle often put her in conflict with other gangers and the authorities and she quickly learnt to fight dirty, after all the only kind of fight you've really won is one you can walk away from.

Once she grew into an adult she tried her best to straighten out as much as possible, if for nothing else than to try and do something to pay forward the help she received as a child. Still, trouble continued to follow her and she found herself in jobs of a grey area legally more than straight and narrow work, while continuing to commit petty theft to keep herself fed.

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Charlotte Fletcher is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Charlotte Fletcher has the following:

Besides the general possessions of clothing, toiletries etc. Charlotte has:

Charlotte Fletcher currently has 3000 KS.

Fairy AI - Artemis

Preferred Mechs & loadouts

Charlotte has displayed aptitude for piloting highly mobile light scouting mechs that rely on hit and run attacks, such as the Mean Machine, while in the simulator. This is much to the chagrin of Artemis, who can't think of much worse than riding around in a thinly armoured coffin that has to rely purely on mobility to avoid enemy fire, rather than a nice safe heavy mech with plenty of armour and shielding.

Her current mech is a SnS Mean Machine Light Mecha named “Long Way Home”, equipped with close range weaponry on the fixed mounts to compliment its abilities as an ambush attacker, alongside an LGL on the turret mount to act as a more general purpose weapon.

Equipped weaponry:

OOC Information

In the case anno_nano becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameCharlotte Fletcher
Character OwnerAnno Nano
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current Plot(s)Strays
Plots (All)Strays