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Fayaad el-Othman Shahad

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad is a player character played by fernorious.

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad
Species & Gender: Iromakuanhe Male
Date of Birth: YE 06, AR 916
Organization: Iromakuanhe Astral Vanguard
Occupation: Mechanist
Rank: Vayshirin (Third Private)
Current Placement: Expeditionary Loan to Nepleslian Navy

Preferred Plots:

  1. Shadow of the Gilded Age

Physical Description

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad stands 5'11“ tall, and weighs approximately 165 lbs, with an athletic build. His skin is a deep tan, with the bony plates unique to the Iroma that cover his joints and spine a slightly lighter shade of tan. His facial features are sharp, with a long straight nose and deep set “droopy” eyes. His irises are a deep red colour, and glow slightly when viewed in the dark. On either side of his head, where ears would be on a human, a pair of black bone-like horns jut out and upwards, curving back and forwards again in a slight ”(“ shape. His black hair is kept cut to about the nape of his neck, and is usually brushed back and set with product. He wears a short pointed beard, and well groomed moustasche.


Fayaad Shahad presents outwardly as a dour man of few words; preferring to speak little unless spoken to by another. This often is perceived as an unwillingness to socialize, or as a haughty attitude, but in reality it is simply his preference to listen and understand before he replies. He trusts others implicitly, forming what he believes to be a friendship, rather quickly, and would do nearly anything to assist another being, even a near total stranger. Breaking his trust however, is a grave offence that will be remembered and avenged if possible, and is the quickest way to anger him.

In life he aspires to learn more of mechanics, both organic and machine; as well as to serve his people and the ancient Makuori as well as he can. To this end he pursues a career in the military as a mechanist, and hones his mind and body through meditation and practice with the traditional martial art of the Sund Wakir; both of which he devotes himself to fully.

He maintains few relationships outside of his work in the military, his family remaining in the Deserts of Maekardan, and having few true friends in his life with which he associates.


Fayaad el-Othman Shahad was born in YE 06, AR 916.

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad was born in AR 916 (YE 06), to Miria and Faaiq el-Othman Shahad, on the planet Maekardan. His early years and adolescence were spent in the care of his parents and their tribe of Sund Wakir desert nomads, roaming the inhospitable areas of their home planet. His time between the ages of five and nine however, were spent in the monastery nearest to his family's preferred roaming areas. His time there was spent learning the more scholarly ways of his people, and it was there that he was introduced to his peoples martial art, the “Desert Wind”. As he grew, and neared adulthood, he began to take an interest in the machines and devices his family and their clan used,often tinkering with them in his free time not spent studying or drilling martial arts. He resolved to join the military, in order to seek out better understanding f machines and their processes as a mechanic. In AR 942 (YE 39), he enlisted into the Commonwealth Astral Vanguard as a mechanist. Since then he has been steadily studying and training in order to advance towards the Master Mechanist courses.

Social Connections

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad is connected to:

Skills Learned


Fayaad Shahad is capable of using all standard communications found in the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth, in particular those employed by the Astral Vanguard. This includes laser, radio and MASC-enhanced variations in various formats and media. He is fluent in Saalsari, Haidasari, and had a passing knowledge of the Trade language spoken in Nepleslia and can speak, read and write them correctly. He can communicate clearly even while under fire or in other unnerving situations.


Fayaad Shahad is proficient in both defensive and offensive hand-to-hand techniques as well as the use of several hand weapons, including knives, pistols, rifles and light explosives such as grenades. He is in excellent physical form, with sufficiently high endurance to survive situations such as elevated G-forces. He is proficient in the “Desert Wind” Martial Art, as practiced by the Sund Wakir people of Maekardan.


Fayaad Shahad has had extensive courses in the use of NI systems aboard the Organoid craft employed by the Astral Vanguard, and understands how to properly utilize his own entry ports to interface with compatible systems. The use of standard-issue electronic devices and conventional computers have also been a part of his education.


Fayaad Shahad is capable of basic medical techniques, including everything up to first aid, emergency care such as CPR or the Heimlich maneuver and the administering of prepared medicine, such as painkillers or stimulants.

Maintenance and Repair

Fayaad Shahad has an understanding of the technologies employed by the Astral Vanguard, and is well versed in the techniques behind their repairs. He understands the separate methods behind doing those repairs on both organoid and conventional technologies. He can spot certain obvious weaknesses on most craft, and find some others with a proper blueprint and time to study it.


Fayaad Shahad can devise new ways of implementing old technologies to suit the current needs bother before missions and in outside of combat. He can also retrofit older equipment with newer or more appropriate hardware should the situation demand it.

Inventory & Finance

Fayaad el-Othman Shahad has the following items:


Standard Uniform

Optional Uniforms

Patches for Uniforms

Workout Clothes


Firearms and Combat Gear

Standard Gear

Solanii Datarod



Personal Hygiene


OOC Notes

This character article was generated using the PHP template form.

In the case fernorious becomes inactive:

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2020/07/25 23:52 by fernorious.

🚧 This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.
