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JunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742

JunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742 is a player character played by Pancakei.

JunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742
Species: Freespacer Type Three
Gender: Androgyne
Date of Birth: YE 21
Organization: TBD
Occupation: Salvager / Mechanic
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: To Be Determined

Preferred Plots:

  1. Skeleton Ensemble

Physical Description

Scaffold is a tall (6' 4“) and lanky amalgamation of various robotic parts that forms a roughly humanoid shape. Made up of plenty of recycled parts replacing older ones, they look like a walking science project. Not too many of their parts match in shape, but they are all painted similarly gray, with bits of yellow accent. While this body may seem fragile at a glance, it is capable of a great deal of agility, and is quite strong.

Their body has few organic components left, mostly in the head and abdomen. Their skin is a dark gray-green color, with darker splotches in areas. Their head is mostly cybernetic, made of recycled parts. Their right eye is a large circular disk, resembling the end of a telescope. One of their two left eyes is semi-organic, with a glowing yellow iris. Above that is a third, smaller eye that resembles a glowing camera lense.

The lower end of their head is covered by the bottom half of a broken welding mask, which can be detached. The top half of the mask is present on top of their head, which can fold down over Scaffold's face akin to that of a knight's helmet guard. One patch of hair remains from Scaffold's original body, which rests is in a lazy medium-length tuff above their left eyes, and is a very dulled amber color, almost gray.


Scaffold speaks in a rather broken, but rich Gaelic accent with a moderate pitch. Their voice is prone to occasionally spasm, as if glitching (particularly when in deep emotion), and sometimes just stop talking altogether, as if in deep thought. The exact reasoning for this is due to the occasionally clash between their organic and mechanical parts.

Scaffold was once a rather rambunctious and high-spirited warrior, with a moderate temper and a fiery passion (with just a touch of sass).

Since their repeated defeats, Scaffold has since mellowed out. Choosing a low life of being a scavenger, they have developed an introverted personality, keeping most of their ambition and emotions inside. They have taken their defeats as a sign of humility, feeling immense guilt for the lives they could not protect.

Deep down, however, Scaffold still has the burning passion of a warrior still waiting for a day to claim victory for their people.

Likes: The color yellow, spicy foods, quiet rest, board games.

Dislikes: Yamatai, pirates, unhonorable combat.

Goals: Find Allie and their peers, or if not, figure out what happened to them.


A rather aged freespacer, Scaffold 64-1135-0742 was “born” in mid-YE 21, within the defined space of the Free State.


A young Freespacer was born in a vat on the T1 Mothership “Sanctuary” with a degrading bone disease. It was not long after being awoken that their bones were partially replaced and augmented with mechanical parts to cancel the effects of the disease. The nameless freespacer was taken under the care of a small group of monks who served to protect those surrounding them in the Free State. It was in this Sanctuary that the young cyborg met an Automata by the name of Nursemaid Allie 64-2311-4123, who served as a bit of a sisterly figure and mechanical medic for the still developing Freespacer runt. Ikraus, drawn by DiggzR and Pancakei

The young Freeespacer spent their childhood awake longer than usual Freespacers, and in that time was trained in the art of combat, channeled through several methods, but notably honorable combat and religious exercise and life. Young and stoic, the Freespacer was much more efficient at the earlier. The young Freespacer soon graduated out of their childhood, earning a name given to them by their overseers: Ikraus.

Ikraus continued to stay with the sanctuary, slowly merging into the outside society of the Mothershup. However, everything changed when Yamatai attacked the Free State. A fierce warrior, Ikraus volunteered to serve on a front against the invading Yamataian forces, to the dismay of the Sanctuary. With much convincing from Allie, Ikraus stayed behind to defend their own colony instead of leaving for war. When Yamatai reached the sanctuary, Ikraus fought back valiantly, in a battle that felt like ages, despite its short and bitter end. Ikraus was caught in an aether explosion which quickly decimated a fair amount of their organic body, leaving them to go unconscious from blood loss.

Ikraus awoke many days, potentially weeks later to their extreme confusion. Their body had been rebuilt with Automata parts, rendering them more machine than flesh. Their cyborg brain had been saved and recreated in a purely digital format, with the help of Allie. The Automata had managed to escape with Ikraus's body, along with the few remaining monks left from the Sanctuary. The surviving group fled deeper into the Free State's territory by use of a small starship. Their attempts to obtain security were in vain however, as Yamatai pushed deeper into the Freespacer territory as fast as they could run. Much to the dismay of Allie, Ikraus continued to fight as hotheaded as ever. When Yamatai came to their doorstep, Ikraus fought them for as long as possible, insisting Allie take the others away. As history repeats itself, Ikraus's just-repaired body was destroyed in the fight, leaving them limp and helpless, unable to move.

Ikraus wasn't sure how long they were in sleep, it could have been weeks, months, even years, given their mechanical organs keeping them alive while their mind wandered elsewhere. With plenty of time to think over their mistakes, the ex-monk began to come to terms with their situation, and became mellowed out by the guilt of their failures. They were eventually picked up by a nomadic group of Freespacers looking to settle the area and create a port, and was taken on as an aid in exchange for repairs.

Since then, Ikraus has traveled what was once the Free State, changing their name and identification to Scaffold Sixty-Four, in honor of Allie, who they have yet to find. Scaffold has slowly replaced their parts with newer ones as they break, though “new” is an overstatement. Somewhat on a spiritual walkabout, Scaffold started to feel an itch coming back as they explored, waiting to be scratched. Deep down, they wanted justice for what was done.

Social Connections

JunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742 is connected to:

Skills Learned


Scaffold is fluent in traditional Freespacer languages, as well as Trade. Like nearly all Freespacers, they have a cyvb


Scaffold is very proficient in hand to hand and close quarters combat using a variety of weapons and methods. In addition, they have the general education of ”Shootism“, and isn't a half bad shot with rifles and pistols. Right handed shooter only. One added bonus to these forms of combat is that Scaffold can no longer feel pain, even in their organic skin.

Scaffold has studied the Art of Never Again, but finds the general concept unhonorable. Despite this, they understand the necessity of the art and when it should be applied over standard combat.

Mechanics / Robotics

Scaffold picked up on the science of augmentation and robotics from Allie, and has used those skills throughout their life to keep themselves running in shape and replace their body parts as needed.

Inventory & Finance

JunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742 has the following items:

OOC Information

OOC Notes

Super work in progress, check back later!In the case Pancakei becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameJunkHead Scaffold 64-1135-0742
Character OwnerPancakei
Character StatusActive Player Character