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Samantha Pine

Samantha Pine is a player character played by Whisper.

Samantha Pine
Species & Gender: Human Female, Modified
Date of Birth: 35日 9月 YE 24
Organization: Nexus Private Security
Occupation: Assassin, Spy, Soldier
Current Placement:
Preferred Plot NPS Blues

Physical Description

Samantha is tall and, like most of the 'other' female Pine clones, very curvy. Her lithe build hides her enhanced strength and mobility, despite not appearing overtly muscular. Her movements have a dangerous, sultry edge to them reminiscent of a big cat on the prowl.

Sam is an Eitr clone, a sort of poisonous octopus/human hybrid shapeshifter, giving her a wide range of unusual physical abilities common to other clones of her type.

Samantha's original appearance is unknown, even to herself.

An imgur gallery of Samantha-like images is here.


General Personality


Work Ethic





Originally just 'Eitr-3', '​Samantha'​ spent the first of her years under the watchful eyes of her presumptive '​father',​ Waylan Vulca,​ who was practically a child at the time. He and the others like him had created her from nothing ​at the behest of the Altera Corporation as part of the EITR Initiative, instilled in her all the appropriate psychological needs to be effective, and then turned her over to combat instructors to make her an efficient killing machine.

For years, starting when she looked only eight or nine, she operated as an assassin for hire. She would befriend a target's child, take their place, and then kill the target when the time was right. When the job was done, she would disappear as just another child on the street. This continued into her 'teenage' years before Altera collapsed.

Suddenly cast adrift, the young clone found herself taking odd jobs and moving from one terrible situation to the next. Whatever parts of her were still normal did poorly in these transitory years and she found herself becoming increasingly detached from those around her.

Things changed for her when she came across a silver-haired woman of about her age. She could tell right away that the woman was a clone like herself. What was different was the way others treated this clone. As Eitr-3 continued her research, carefully stalking the woman and using public terminals to find more information, she discovered that the woman was a Fenrir clone. More importantly, she discovered the role that clones like her held within the newly formed New Dusk Conclave.

She set her mind, then, that she would become this Fenrir clone. Copying her appearance was easy. Killing the woman, who was surprised to find herself standing in an alley, was nonetheless challenging. Getting the surgery to give herself the woman's Geist and learning to use it was even more challenging. And yet, to have a place like that woman seemed to have a place, any obstacle felt manageable.

Eitr-3, now 'Samantha', soon found that not everything was as rosy as it had seemed. Her life was better, certainly, but she was not immediately elevated into royalty as she had hoped. Disillusioned, she eventually found herself in the employ of Nexus Private Security where she works to this day.

Skills Learned

Samantha Pine has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

SAMANTHA is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

OOC Information

This article was created on 2020/03/23 19:18 using the namespace template.

In the case whisper becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSamantha Pine
Character OwnerWhisper
Character StatusActive Player Character