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Huthang Flutch

Huthang Flutch is an Active Player Character played by iaincarter.

Huthang Flutch
Species & Gender: Male, Mutant (Middle-Stage)
Organization: Shasta no Sekai, Terror Wolf Project, Strays
Occupation: Stray (Mech Pilot)
Rank: Recruit
Current Placement: Strays

Physical Description



Now that Huthang is working for Shasta no Sekai as one of the Strays, he has the following goals:

Likes & Dislikes

Like any sentient being, there are things that Huthang likes or dislikes. These include:




Huthang was born on 35日 09月 17 at the family shack in the district of Southern Shores in Funky City on the planet Neplesia. It was not an easy birth and Huthang was born with several obvious deformities. His mother died shortly thereafter, having never really recovered from the exposure to improperly disposed industrial waste products early in the pregnancy.

YE 45

In YE 45, Huthang joined the Strays.



Skills Learned

As a kid who essentially grew up on the streets, Huthang gained the following skills:

Having signed up with the Strays, Huthang has gained the following skills:

Hobbies & Interests

Social Connections

In decreasing order of subjective importance, Huthang is currently connected to:

Huthang is potentially connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Although he brought his meagre possessions with him when joining the Strays, the organisation has kitted him out to a certain extent.

Huthang has the following equipment:

Huthang has the following personal property:

The Financial Assets of Huthang:

From the Halloween Salvage Giveaway 2023: 1. SSCC-XL containing Strontium 2. Lubricant (Mechanical, not personal) 3. A mecha formerly in the Ternifac Recreational Mecha Combat League

Faerie AI - Titania

Preferred Mechs, Loadouts & Available Modifications

Huthang has developed a preference for certain mechs and loadouts.

Light Class Mechs

Medium Class Mechs

Salvage, Loot and Assorted Gubbins

OOC Information

This page was created by iaincarter using a custom template on the 2nd August 2023 at 08:42.

Artwork for Huthang Flutch created on by iaincarter

In the case iaincarter becomes inactive:

Huthang's Forum Text Colour is 2FA200. Titania's Forum Text Colour is D4AF37.

Reference Images

Character Data
Character NameHuthang
Character Owneriaincarter
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationFreehold Factory
Approval Thread…