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Jaqsi Yaobas

Jaqsi Yaobas is an NPC controlled by GM Nashoba who appears in the WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk) Plot plot.

Jaqsi Yaobas
Species: Tuoro
Gender: Female
Age: 21 Mai
Height: 1.5m (4.92 ft)
Weight: 75kg (145 lbs)
Ruoka: Ruoka Komuta
Organization: Wotanu Abokatinka Poku
Occupation: Wapoin'asa (Nurse)
Position: Medical
Rank: Sasâvyjo (Junior Journeyman)
Current Placement: WAP Yome Ismâopate

Character Description

Jaqsi has white fur with light grey striping. She has bright violet eyes.

History and Relationship Notes

Jaqsi is an easy going Tuoro who truly cares about others. It was for this reason that she was selected by her parents to go to the finest school they could afford.

Skill Areas

Knowledge: Clan Lore

Jaqsi since starting at the age of 5 was taught at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies), the history of the clan, basic clan law, and traditions. They also received training in the history of their Ruoka (House) and Punla (Family). While at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies) they were schooled in social interaction, customs and etiquette of their people.


Jaqsi received initial training in Veltin-daho'te (Knife Fighting) in their home, and while at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Their proficiency was measured in the Baqnor (move from youth).

Common Skills

Jaqsi received compulsory training in mathematics, finances and the basic operation of command clan equipment and basic use of Kynjodau'tajo Aorq'ka (Information Technology).

Shipboard Life

All members of the clan spend time on ships, their world station is essentially a ship so these skills apply there.


Jaqsi is fluent in Takavonai (Language) and has a basic understanding of Trade and Yamataian.

Wapoin'asa (Nurse)

Jaqsi is trained in Poku Saeruo Degonjo basic diagnosis, triage, basic medical procedures and equipment. They are trained to assist Wapoin'aka (Doctor) when performing surgery or other complex procedures. They underwent an extensive training program which included classroom and hands on training. Jaqsi is capable of diagnosing, and triage procedures. They can perform basic health and wellness procedures such as routine physicals and immunizations.


Character Data
Character NameJaqsi Yaobas
Character OwnerNashoba
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM