Drone Template

This template is used to provide a consistent structure to articles for robots, drones, and other automated equipment approximately the size of a human or smaller. For vehicle and starship-scale drones, please use the Vehicle and Starship Templates, respectively. For android or robotic Characters, please use the Character Template.

Typically, articles using this template will be in the (Insert faction or corporation here):Equipment: namespace.

====== Drone Name (This line becomes page title) ======
⚠️A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users.

^   Drone Name   ^^
|  >>Optional Image<<  ||
|  **Year Created:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Faction:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Designer / Manufacturer:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Nomenclature:**  |  X  | 
|  **Role:**  |  X  |
|  **DRv3 Tier:**  |  TX-X  |
|  **Production:**  |  X  |
|  **Price:**  |  X-DA/KS  |   

⚠️ **Reference Sheet: Delete This Section Before Submission:**⚠️

  * Year Created: (YE it was created)
  * Designer/ Manufacturer: (Person(s), Group or Company, etc Responsible For Weapon's Design and/or Manufacture)
  * Nomenclature: [[international:standard_product_nomenclature_system|Nomenclature System Found Here]]
  * Type: (Type Of Weapon, ie; Plasma, Gauss, Chemical Projectile Propulsion etc)
  * Role: (Role Of Weapon, ie; Assault Rifle, Squad Support Weapon, Anti-Armor Rocket Launcher, ect)
  * DRv3 Tier: [[guide:damage_rating_v3|]] (Min-Max Possible Damage Listed For Weapon) 
  * Production: (Prototype, Limited Production, Mass Production)
  * Price: (Base Price for Item. Include appropriate currency type.)

⚠️**If unsure about damage leave blank and request review assign damage.**

===== History =====

⚠️**Insert the In-character reason for designing the weapon in no shorter than one full paragraph. Include the following relevant information in the process:**

  * Basic IC history behind the reason for creating/designing the drone. 
  * Relevant persons/people included in the process (include links).
  * Relevant groups/factions/corporations/companies who aided in its design or that the weapon is intended for use by (include links).
  * Where the drone was used in RP (include links/list if applicable)

===== Description =====
⚠️**Describe the purpose of the drone; What role it is made to fill, and how it achieves this. Include any relevant stats such as Damage rating, Speeds, the size and weight of the drone, etc.**

==== Scale ====

  * Width:
  * Height:
  * Weight:

==== Speeds ====

  * Ground speed:  
  * Air speed: 

==== Damage Capacity ====
See [[guide:damage_rating_v3]] 

  * Body: 
  * Shields:

===== Appearance =====
⚠️**Describe the basic appearance for the weapon as you would to an artist to commission art. If there is art include at least one piece of it here for reference.**

===== Systems =====
⚠️**Insert here a paragraph about the condensed information bellow.**

⚠️ **Insert sub-headers here such as weapons, shields, Armor that it is made of, functions, systems, power source if applicable, etc.** 

===== OOC Notes =====
**Ensure your article is in the wip:namespace**

🚧 This article is a work in progress. Is it not currently approved

⚠️**Put author information and art credits here.**

OOC Information

For a list of other templates, see: Templates