Component Template

This template is designed to provide a consistent structure to articles about smaller pieces of gear that do not fit into any of the other templates available, ranging from weapon optics to volumetric projectors and even parachutes

Typically, articles using this template will be in the (Insert faction or corporation here):(Insert nomenclature or component name here) namespace.

====== Component Name (this line becomes the title) =====

**Ensure your article is in the wip:namespace**

🚧 This article is a work in progress. Is it not currently approved

⚠️A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users.

^   Component  Name   ^^
|  >>Optional Image<<  ||
|  **Year Created:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Faction:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Designer / Manufacturer:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Nomenclature:**  |  X  | 
|  **Production:**  |  X  |
|  **Price:**  |  X-DA/KS  |   

⚠️ **Reference Sheet: Delete This Section Before Submission:**⚠️

  * Year Created: (YE it was created)
  * Designer/ Manufacturer: (Person(s), Group or Company, etc Responsible For Weapon's Design and/or Manufacture)
  * Nomenclature: [[international:standard_product_nomenclature_system|Nomenclature System Found Here]]
    * Price: (Base Price for Item. Include appropriate currency type.)

===== Description ====
⚠️**Include what materials the component is made from and how it works, can be either an in-depth section or something more general.** 

===== Usage =====
⚠️**Include how the component is used and what it might be used in. Include relevant information such as how it should function in ideal conditions and above all else what it does.**

==== Appearance (OPTIONAL) ====
⚠️**Can be included in the above section or kept separate here, a few brief sentences describing how the component looks are required if this section is used**

⚠️**This section should also include when possible, the dimensions of the component. Also, when possible, include the weight of the component in kilograms.**

===== OOC Notes =====
⚠️**Put author information and art credits here.**

OOC Information

For a list of other templates, see: Templates