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NAM 'Talon' Guided Mortar Shell GMS-01a

Developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions to equip the NAM Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-02a, the Talon Guided Mortar Shell GMS-01a is a self guided gliding shell that incorporates various smart measures to provide battlefield commanders with long ranged fire support options.


The Talon is a stubby shell, composed of an aerodynamic shell with pop out wings, integrated guidance and defense systems, and a very large warhead.

Mortar Ammunition Damage Quickchart
Type Purpose Area of Effect Radiation Duration
Fusion Shell Tier 8, Medium Anti-Mecha 470 Meters 6 Hours
Scalar Pulse Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor to unshielded electronics and organic nervous systems 200 Meters 1 week
EMP Detonator Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha to shields and electronics 800 Meters N/A


The Talon GMS-01a is guided by its own internal guidance system and AI, which has four tracking modes:

In all of these modes, the Talon is self guiding and does not need further input from the firing platform.


The Talon has its own integrated defensive measures, based on a scaled down and cut back version of the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite. This version of the suite has only the following features:

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/14 08:33.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

7.8 inches
3.2 inches