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While deployed it is important for Star Army morale to remain high. Cooks stationed aboard ships and on military installations provide vital stimulation for a Star Army soldier's morale through good-tasting food with adequate nutrients to support a soldier's nutritional needs. While savory foods are served three times a day, there is an important part of the meal that is vital to maintain happiness and even provide necessary fat and glucose levels. Yes, this means desserts are just as important as a main meal.

Desserts Served by Star Army

Dessert Item Ingredients Item Description Served on Starships? Served at Military Installations? Picture
Coffee Cake Eggs, sugar, light brown sugar, powdered sugar, flour, butter, buttermilk, cream cheese, salt, baking powder, cornstarch and vanilla extract. This delicious cake is light and fluffy, with a crunchy streusel topping. It is usually served at breakfast with Coffee and tea. This can be made several days in advance in a big batch and then refridgerated for multiple days and served after being heated up. This allows cooks to focus on other food while still being able to serve a sweet treat at breakfast. Yes. Yes. NEEDED
Coffee Jelly Gelatin, water, Coffee, sugar, flavorings. Coffee Jelly is a popular item in cafes and restaurants that have made their way into Star Army's menu. This delicious dessert is made from Coffee that has become gelatinized and can have any number of add-ins, from chocolate chips to toffee bars. Usually they are served in Star Army during important events or upon request from officers or VIPs, but depending on the available food stores and amount of freedom given to the cooks, it may be made when morale is low or caffeine is needed and standard liquid Coffee has become undesirable. Sometimes. Depends on the circumstances. Usually given to officers and VIPs, but can be served at base-wide events. NEEDED
Dorayaki Red-bean pancakes made from Castella, Azuki bean paste. A popular dessert, these sweet “yummy buns” are often served in families and are fairly easy to produce. These have become popular among Star Army starships because of their easy storage and the ability to stretch their ingredients to make as many as possible with a small amount of ingredients. They consist of two red bean pancakes made from Castella, one bun turned upside down and filled with a sweet Azuki bean paste, the other bun placed right side up, making a sort of sandwich of sweetness. Yes. Yes. NEEDED
Mochi Ice Cream Flavored ice cream (any desired flavor, popular flavors are vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate), pounded sticky rice dumpling. Mochi Ice Cream is a popular dessert, particularly in the hotter parts of the year. Made by wrapping flavored ice cream with a soft, pounded sticky rice dumpling. They are usually shaped in round balls, but can be shaped into other desired shapes. The ice cream provides the confection with flavor while the dumpling provides sweetness and texture. Yes. Yes. NEEDED
Namagashi Gelatin or Agar Agar, granulated sugar, sweetened bean paste, fresh fruit jelly. Namagashi are a traditional sweet treat, usually served with tea. They can range in color and shape from traditional flowers to more modern squares with intricate designs. Yes. Due to the ability to easily store it's ingredients, these are popular snacks among Star Army starships. Yes. NEEDED

Protocol for Serving Dessert Aboard Star Army Starships and Military Installations


Dessert is to be served with every dinner meal, preferably directly after crew has finished eating the main course. It is important to communicate with the ship's upper echelon to provide the best possible dessert for the crew. If a large amount of crew has nut allergies, for example, choose a dessert item without nuts. If this is not possible due to ingredients available, do your best to ensure you can provide dessert to as many crew as possible. As a cook aboard a starship your role is vitally important to crew morale and nutrition intake, and failing in one or both areas can lead to terrible disaster. Due to this fact, it is important you prioritize nutrition over taste, though the dessert must be desirable as well. To be an effective Star Army cook you must balance the thin line to ensure your desserts are tasty and nutritious.

Military Installations

Dessert is to be served with ever dinner meal, preferably directly after crew has finished eating the main course. Usually as a cook you must make a menu for the week of what to serve and when. It is best to plan desserts ahead of time and sometimes may require multiple days of preparation. As a cook on a base it is your responsibility to ensure you are providing the best possible nutrients even if personnel are able to leave the base and eat at external dining establishments.

OOC Notes

Sparkee0213 created this article on 2019/07/30 17:25.

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