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Power Armored Combat Division

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Star Army's Fifth Fleet utilizes several different division types in order to properly perform its duties. The largest number of Divisions fall into the Armored Combat Division type, which utilizes Power Armored infantry in order to carry out tasks, conduct combat operations, and otherwise engage an enemy.

Unit Types

While Organized into Regiments, Battalions, Companies, and the like, the largest non-identical unit is the Company. Within a Company, are three major Unit types, all at the squad level: Infantry, making up four fifths of the units, Combat Engineering, making one tenth of the units and Maintenance, making up the final one tenth.


The Infantry unit is the basic unit, and the most important unit to the Fifth Fleet. Eight out of every Ten squads is an Infantry squad. Infantry squads operate on the battlefield using Power armors, and handle the majority of tasks, such as patrolling, defending, scouting, and attacking. The jobs of individual soldiers of each squad varies, but the most common occupation is that of a 'rifleman'.

Combat Engineering

Combat Engineering units have the purpose of supporting the efforts of not only their own Company, but also the Fifth fleet's army in general. They are the ones who create pathways to ease logistics, who modify structures to allow them to be used as defensible points, who remove dangerous features from the battlefield, as well as create features meant to slow an enemy's advance. This is, of course, in addition to serving as regular Infantry.


Not a combat unit, the Maintenance units are sometimes referred to as POGs, or 'People Other than Grunts'. they serve the purpose of making sure that the power armors and weapons of the Infantry units remain functional, and reliable. Their duty is to survey damage, effect repairs, and otherwise make sure that equipment functions to spec. Maintenance personnel are also often skilled in making modifications to armor in emergency situations to keep them working as needed. Maintenance personnel, while attached to the Infantry units, usually remain on a starship or base, and do not engage in combat.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/02/15 05:10 by Kai.