Table of Contents

Myrm Nanoacid

Nanoacid is an extraordinary microbial substance with unparalleled molecular erosion capabilities. Composed of microscopic parasitic Myrm, Nanoacid has the power to break the bonds of and erode even the strongest materials, breaking apart molecular bonds and gradually disintegrating the target material. This substance poses a significant threat to the durability and structural integrity of various materials.

Composition and Properties

Nanoacid is a collective term for a swarm of microscopic parasitic Myrm, each measuring only a few micrometers in size. These Myrm are genetically engineered to possess specialized enzymes capable of breaking molecular bonds within target materials. The nanoacid function symbiotically, cooperating to efficiently dissolve the targeted substance.

The Myrm that comprise Nanoacid possesses a xenochitium outer shell that shields them from the corrosive effects of their own enzymes. This protective shell allows them to survive and operate within hostile environments, enabling prolonged erosion activities. The Myrm' enzyme secretions interact with the target material, disrupting the chemical bonds and initiating a process of gradual dissolution.

Nanoacid's erosion capabilities are highly selective, primarily targeting materials with high molecular stability. The substance is particularly effective against metals, ceramics, and composite materials commonly used in armors and structures. Nanoacid's erosion is a slow process, ensuring that the affected material disintegrates over time rather than experiencing sudden catastrophic failure.

As such nanoacid is more effective the stronger or more molecularly dense the material is, allowing through a process of engineered evolution a way for Myrm to weaken armor or such materials from the equation while preserving the biomass underneath that from which nanoacid at best in inconvenient and painful but not dangerous and instead makes room for other forms of Myrm bioweapons such as venoms or bioagents.

Applications and Production

Nanoacid's molecular erosion properties pose both potential applications and significant risks. Understanding its capabilities is crucial in harnessing or mitigating its effects. By its nature as a biological Myrm organism it does not attack xenochitium and is often contained in such devices as xenochitium flechettes, spikes, or hollow devices from which to deliver it. Nanoacid itself is formed by specialized organs within many Myrm genomes and types and is often applied either by secretion in inner glands that while not able to be used offensively allow certain Myrm forms to fill or excrete the very same flechette projectiles they can grow on their outer xenochitium much like self-manufactured contained projectiles that can simply snap off of their exoskeleton and conserve for later use.

Armor and Material Erosion: Nanoacid's ability to erode even the strongest armor and materials makes it a formidable threat on the battlefield but not an immediate one. With the density or strength of a material deciding the effectiveness of nanoacid it may only remove a small surface area such as fraying of clothing or leather while when exposed to more dense materials such as Zesu, Nerimium, etc. It will gradually succumb to the relentless erosion caused by Nanoacid over time often unnoticed or over great deals of time as the microbial Myrm gradually expend themselves to break up the properties of even Zesuaium over time.

For example, a xenochitium flechette may bounce harmlessly off of an armored plate of Nermimum or Zesu at first but minutes later the tip of a new flechette may actually stick in the material several inches from the initial impact site before falling out. While another minute later might stick even deeper as each flechette deposits more nanoacid until the surface of the armored plate looks stippled or covered in small but growing indents and dimples that while individuals may be unconcerned are often reinforced with constant volleys of continuous nanoacid from Vasitrix weaponry on a battlefield wearing down even the most armored of threats.

Stealthy Infiltration: Nanoacid's minuscule size and ability to penetrate microscopic gaps make it an ideal tool for stealthy infiltration. By deploying Nanoacid in targeted areas, it can slowly weaken structural integrity, compromise security measures, and create vulnerabilities for subsequent attack follow-up applications.

Application Means: By its nature Nanoacid is short-lived as the microbial Myrm hibernates to conserve biomass until applied to a non xenochitum surface. It is not an inherently airborne or liquid substance but instead is applied to xenochitium surfaces such as blades or inside of flechettes or projectiles making its life span mere minutes when awakening which makes it inappeasable for any other application.

Notes For RP

Nanoacid is made as a way for the antagonistic Myrm and Vasitrix enemy faction to be able to harm superheavy materials such as Zesu and Nermimum, etc. It leaves small pockmarks or dimples in this armor that develop almost unseen at first but then become more noticeable when more and more nanoacid is introduced making prolonged contact with Myrm making the Myrm reduce the advantage of things like powered armor whereby taking constant fire from Myrm weaponry can errode even Zesu when there are tens of thousands of flechettes or projectiles flying around.

This is not intended for any meta or PvP reasons but for lore and RP purposes. Things like shields obviously counteract Nanoacid and is intended for GMs to be able to do things like have the bugs actually be a threat to powered armor or etc. if desired to the degree they so desire.

OOC Notes

Made by Charmaylarg on 5/18/2023