Table of Contents

Omnipotent Carbon Reinforced Oversight Navigation "OMICRON" Personal Power Suit

The OMICRON Power suit is a

About the OMICRON Suit

Explain the power armor more fully with an explanation as to why the power armor is used.

Statistics & Performance

<General notes about armor stats and performance>


Convey what this power armor looks like with words. Though this is a good place for an image of the power armor, portraying it with words is required.


Outline who came up with this power armor and why in this section.


Describe what makes this power armor special.


Describe the downsides and flaws the power armor may have.


The propulsion mechanisms of the power armor go here, as well as any specialized movement capabilities the armor has.

Armor Size

Height Insert height in meters and feet here
Width Insert width in meters and feet here
Length Insert length in meters and feet here
Weight Insert weight in kilograms and pounds here

Damage Capacity Stats

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for a guide to damage ratings to include.

DRv3 Tier: (target type, i.e.: Medium Anti-Mecha)

Getting In and Out

Explain how the user inserts oneself and exits the power armor.

Controlling the Armor

This is where you will describe how the user operates this power.


The sub-components of the power armor that are not included in the subsections below it will go here.


Convey to the reader the materials the armor is made out of and what it is immune to and what it is susceptible to.


The type of camouflage and how it works and what it does should be in this section.

Life Support

Whatever happens in the event of near-fatal events goes here as well as how long the suit can support the life of the wearer.

Power Systems

The Omicron Power suit has come equipped with the “Perpetual Generator system”,

Sensors and Communications

The sensors and communication equipment for the power armor should be put into this section.


Main weapon, secondary weapon, and all other weaponry go here.

* (weapon purpose) (weapon name)


The accessories of the power armor and where they are located on the power armor should be added in this section.