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“Catnip” Nicotine Lozenge

“Catnip” is a brand of nicotine lozenge popular with exchange officers and marines of the Democratic Imperium of Neplesia sent to Yamatai due to their “No Smoking” policy.


During an excursion to Nepelsia, Albert Steiner was looking for a way to earn some side income after finding himself somewhat impoverished. After learning of the Yamataian law against smoking, he came up with a simple solution: a simple tablet containing a potent amount of nicotine. After establishing contact with NAM with assistance from the Lorath, a deal was struck to manufacture the candies.

Manufacturing began in YE 43.


It helps to soothe the throat and calm nerves, steady the hand, and promotes alertness in the people using it. It is a small, white tablet, though color may vary by flavor.


It is packaged in a small plastic container with a spring loaded mechanism the pushes the next available tablet into a small holding unit for ease of access. The packaging is bright green. A waver is included to understand that the company is not liable for the use/abuse/injury/potential death/side effects of this product-consume at own risk in fine print. It currently being sold in the menu at Neppy's Burger.


The lozenge comes in a number of flavors:


OOC Notes

This is purely for humor and story purposes, and to see what happen what happens when you give a neko a bag full of these. Plans for an Ice Cream are in the works for the futures.

Commissar Farzi created this article on 2021/01/20 15:51.

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