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Proposal #116 Consciousness Ownership Act

This proposal will be put to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 43 by Senator Iemochi Seinosuke.


  1. To clarify on previous laws relating to ST criminalisation.
  2. To allow citizens to formally own and control their own ST backups.
  3. To replace the restrictions on cloning in favour of protections for those that are cloned.


1) While the Governments of Yamatai may provide and maintain ST backups of their population, these ST backups are formally owned and controlled by the being the ST was taken from, unless the being is of a race considered non-sapient by the Senate.

2) Ownership and control of ST copies is kept by the being the ST was taken from at all times, except when the state has, by other law, removed their right to an ST. A being may ask for their ST backups to be destroyed at any time.

3) Private ownership of another being's ST backup is a crime. ST backups also cannot be traded, modified by a third party or voluntarily given to another private party under any circumstance, except by approval of the Senate.

4) Beings may personally modify their owned ST backups for redundancy or for personal reasons (for example removing memories).

5) All ST backups must be registered in a central government registry and tracked in case they are misplaced and need to be recovered. Making copies of other copies without registering them is a crime.

6) Individuals may opt to install their owned ST copy into another body to create a clone. As soon as this is done, the clone is considered its own being under law, with all the protections that provides. Clones cannot be made within the first 1 year of a being's existence.

7) Any clone made from a sapient being's ST backup (or DNA) is considered a full sapient being under law, even if it is placed into a body or form usually recognised as non-sapient, or otherwise less protected under law.

8) Clones must be reported to the government for registry, at which point any tracked ST backup used to make them will be transferred into their personal ownership.

9) Attempting to coerce, abuse, enslave or otherwise victimise a clone is considered as if the same was done to any other protected being under law and will be punished as such.

10) Clones may agree to take on jobs, roles or positions held by their creators. In this case, a formal legal document must be signed by both parties. At this point, the government should consent to transferring such responsibilities where it can, except by special circumstances. (An example of such circumstances is when someone wants to make a clone to take their prison sentence for them, which should always be denied).

11) Clones must not have an identical name, designation or identity as their creator. New identification must be created and registered with the government for them. In the time before they register, a number will be appended to the end of their name on official documents to designate them.

12) The definition of “clone” in all of the above instances applies to both ST and biological clones, except naturally and legally born identical twins/triplets/etc.

13) An exception to Subsections (10) and (11) is in such a case as a clone's creator is destroyed prior to their cloning or as part of the cloning process, at which point they assume their predecessors' statuses if the predecessor left such in their will.

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2021/11/05 19:08.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.