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Su'krin Skiff

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
Class: Skiff
Type: Pilot Pod
Designer: Sel-rok, Su'krin Yii'see
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy, Or'ion
Production: Multiples
Price: 10,000 Rn
Crew: 1
Emergency Capacity: 3
Length: 3 Meters
Width: 3 Meters
Height: 5 Meter
Propulsion and Range
Land Speed: 98 Km/h
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: Ten years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 15
Shields: 15 (Threshold 4)
Systems Information
Superstructure Dishe'trum
Armour System Te'rename and Cus'herem Chemical Spray
Reactor 1xSmall Generator
Computer and Sensor Systems Cordecon Quantum Computer, Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.
Shield Systems Ta'tagen Field Generator
Life Support Systems Atmospheric Control Systems
Propulsion 2x Fi'nein Pulse Engine
Weapon Systems

The Su'krin Skiff is a direct replacement to the Urename Skiff and was put into service in EE 002-v.


Designed to be better, and faster, than the Urename Skiff; the Su'krin Skiff takes advantage of a number of technological innovations created by the Neshaten - including downsizing of components and advancements in shielding and weapons technology. The Su'krin maintains the same capabilities as the Urename Skiff, such as transform capabilities, reconnaissance, and space and air flight; what the Su'krin has over the Ure'name however is in both being light weight, fast, and menuverable.

Its hull is composed of a new type of material that allows it to withstand the heat of re-entry far better than the Urename could; where as the Urename could perhaps only withstand a couple of re-entries, the Su'krins new hull meant that it could go in and out of the atmosphere without much worry this meant that the vehicle could now serve as a reusable escape pod on starships if needed as the same time it could also serve as a personnel transport for a citizen going from one point to another.

Like with the Urename, the top part can be stood upon during flight with no risk of falling off. Its also small enough to still be able to be used as a pilot pod on starfighters - because of its smaller size, form pads are placed between it and the star-fighter.


The concept behind the Su'krin was actually originally conceived before the Urename was thought up of, but at the time technology and lack of suitable materials meant that the creation of the Su'krin had to be put on hold - until EE 002 that is, when Sel-rok - the creator of the Urename Skiff, realized that his original vision could now be realized. Designing this new vehicle was mere clockwork for the Laibe, although trying to get everything he wanted into a small chassis proved to be much more difficult than originally anticipated.

In order to make his vision a reality, Sel-rok had to completely redesign some components from scratch, which would later lead to improvements in other forms of technology - this included the data-cables and power transfer systems and navigational computers used in most everyday items.

While designing the Su'krin, Sel-rok choose to forgo the canopy that could be deployed over the craft, feeling that such a thing actually presented a target for enemy soldiers or anyone else wanting to cause mayhem. Instead, he elected to create a two part cockpit, one that was designed for that of a Daur and the other for a Laibe and My'leke, in order to do this he had to create another kind of technology - a nanoflex based material that could mold the internal cockpit into the shape required for the person actually going to use it.

During its initial test phase, a young Duar by the name of Su'krin Yii'see was chosen to pilot the first workable vehicle. The testing went smoothly for several seasons until a design flaw was discovered, but only during the last phase of testing; when Su'krin's vehicle was caught up in a storm and ended up being destroyed upon impact with the ground, killing the Daur in the process. Sel-rok realized that through this testing, that the flaw in the design was the reliance on the engines to provide practically all of the steering. Thus, Sel'rok choose to add a few additional's to the vehicle, including ailerons and stabilizers that vastly improved its flight capabilities even in a storm.

To honour the Daur's sacrifice, Sel-rok named the vehicle after the Daur.


The Su'krin appears as an elongated nose, with its gravitational engines in the rear. Although the engines appear to be wide open and vulnerable to damage from debris, or weapons fire, there is actually a canopy of translucent armour placed over them to protect them from the hazards of both space and everyday life. A bulging section on the bottom of the craft houses an anti-gravity generator to keep the craft aloft in the air when not moving back or forward.


The following lists the interior design.


The internal cockpit is a bit smaller than the one found on the Urename Skiff; but this is because the cockpit was designed out of a specialized material that is flexible and will create or reduce the space needed by the pilot. When a soldier, or citizen, steps upon the top of the pod sensors will automatically detect whether that person is a Laibe, Daur, or My'leke, and will generate the cockpit based off the information provided to it. This process takes only a couple seconds to do.

The Erme'negilde Holographic System is used for the flight controls, more specifically, a highly customizable version of the Aviator Control Interface, allowing the user to determine for themselves the actual 'type' of control system they use to pilot the craft.

Side Storage

There are two small side storage bins on the craft, they provide less storage than that found on the Urename, but adequate enough for food and water and some medical supplies or even a repair kit - but much to small to fit large weapons although a sidearm can be put in.


List below as its onboard systems.

Control Systems

The skiff utilizes both internal and external control systems for operations, while the internal controls are compatible with both the Shukare and My'leke, the external controls are not.


The skiff is made out of reinforced titanium that serves as its main structure.

Armor 1

The first armor layer for the skiff is made out of Crynatorium, which affords it protection from light weapons to medium weapons for a short duration of time.

Armor 2

The second form of armor that serves to armor the cockpit but also is part of the standing area for the craft, is known as Te'rename, a form of flex armor. This armor splits in two on command to reveal the underside cockpit.

Life Support

The pod is equipped with the following life support functions.

Oxygen Tanks

There are four onboard oxygen tanks that provide the pod with three hours of oxygen, these tanks can be hooked up to the soldiers body suit.

Air Scrubbers

Air Scrubbers help to filter out pollution and also to clean the air, they work in similar fashion to air recyclers which also do the same thing.

Computer System

Uses a Cordecon Quantum Computer for all of its computer fuctions.


Is equipped with two Fi'nein Pulse Engine.


The skiff is equipped with the same kind of sensors commonly found on starfighters, along with targeting systems for its onboard weapons.

Weapons Systems

Can be equipped either with lethal, or non-lethal weapons. Its default weapon is an EMP cannon, although it can be equipped with a pulse laser cannon or a grenade launcher.

Cargo Capacity

Can carry a decent amount of cargo in its side storage bins, can hold up twenty pounds of equipment.

Standard Equipment

Comes standard with a Fire Extinguisher 🧯, first aid and repair kit.

Optional Equipment

This lists the optional equipment that can be added to the craft, either during manufacturing or as part of a kit. It should be noted that this equipment is only optional for civilian, military versions of this vehicle come standard with all of this. Not ALL of the optional equipment is legal….

Item Description Cost
External Wings Designed to provide more stability during atmospheric flight and can allow the pod to glide when engines are off. 2,500 Rn
Reinforced hull Provides additional protection during flight, increasing its armour value. Must be done during construction. 6,900 Rn
Externally mounted cargo-pods Increases the amount of equipment that can be carried by the vehicle. Can be attached, or removed. 4,300 Rn
Anything else a crazy Daur, Laibe, or My'leke can think up.