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Graviton Bomb

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Created in the year of EE 002 by the Kingdom of Neshaten, the Graviton Bomb - not to be confused with a Gravity Bomb - is a high yield explosive ordinance designed to cause wide area damage. It was put into service in EE 002.


The Graviton Bomb is an explosive device intended to be used by Neshaten bombers and starships, and is designed to cause a large deal of damage in a wide area. The bomb functions very differently than a normal bomb, where as a normal bomb has an explosive warhead - this one does not, or at least, the explosive warhead for this is actually the entire bomb itself. The bomb has stabilizing fins to help keep it stable in flight, and a limited navigational computer ensures that the bomb will land within two feet of its intended target, with a one foot margin of error.

Each of the bomb types was designed to serve a particular mission; this makes the Graviton Bomb a multi-role ordinance.

How it works

These kinds of bombs work by placing a small gravitic charge in the centre of the bomb, this charge is then surrounded by a solid metal case comprised either of aluminium, steel, titanium, or other kinds of metals; depending on the metals used determines its explosive yield. When the charge is triggered, it'll start to cause the gravitons within the metals to become excited and thus increases their speed, at some point the gravitons will then scatter violently in all directions; creating an explosion. Because of uncertainty, it is not known 'how' long it really takes for those gravitons to scatter, because of this the bomb can take anywhere from five seconds to over a minute to explode upon reaching its target.

Bomb Types

The following lists the bomb type and the damage it can deal.

Bomb Internal Material Purse Rough time DR Rating Note
GB-1 Pen'iwas Aluminium General Purpose Bomb Five Seconds Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) Smallest Bomb
GB-2 Men'iwas Steel Anti-Armor Ten to Twenty Seconds Tier 7 or Tier 8, Light Anti-Mecha or Medium Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) Medium Sized Bomb
GB-3 Cesa'was Varies Wide Area Explosive Instant Tier 7 or Tier 8, Light Anti-Mecha or Medium Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) Semi-large sized bomb
GB-4 Lui'neas Titanium Anti-Structure Thirty seconds to one minute Tier 8 or Tier 9, Medium Anti-Mecha or Heavy Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which)/Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha Large Bomb
Gb-5 Cat'aneas Uranium Anti-City Thirty five to fifty five seconds Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship Very Large, WMD.