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NAM Particle Markerlight System PMS-01a

Developed in YE 35 for the original version of the NAM VOID Advanced Tactical Power Armor, the NAM Particle Markerlight System PMS-01a is a nonlethal, non damaging plasma beam designator intended to be used to guide fire and guided munitions onto specific opposing forces and terrain features.

About the Particle Markerlight System

The Particle Markerlight System is intended to serve as a support and complimentary weapon to Nepleslia's TRACER Minimissiles in the target designation role. Utilizing a suspension of high-energy subspace particles in a gas that is then excited by a particle beam passed through it, the PMS emits a near light speed plasma beam that creates a spot on a target as bright in subspace as a subspace star. This is used to guide in friendly fire and guided munitions to a target, and for officers and unit commanders to direct forces in combat.

The PMS-01a is intended to create a beam and spot visible only to NAM Monoeyes, but other subspace sensors are capable of picking up the beam as well.

Nomenclature Information


The Particle Markerlight System's emitter resembles most closely a smaller Monoeye when looking at just the emitter. The emitter is backed up by the hardware which are secured underneath armor on mounted platforms.

Discharge Information

Energy Source

Weapon Mechanisms



OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/14 02:20.

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