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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

De'ala-Uxez Adalheidis Tur'listia

De'ala-Uxez Adalheidis Tur'listia is the head monarch and queen of the Lorath Matriarchy, serving as both a figurehead and political figure within the Matriarchy. She is a player character played by osaka.

About Del'ara-Uxez Adalheidis Tur'lista

Species: Lorath, Tur'listian Caste
Gender: Female
Age: Chronologically 1 Lorath Year
Height: 7 Feet, 4 Inches / X Meters
Weight: 187 lbs / X kg
Organization: Lorath Matriarchy
Position: 'Xiaah', Queen of the Lorath.
♫ Theme-song: Denis Leary - 'Asshole'

De'ala-Uxez serves (Dela-Uxez Adalheidis Tur'lista; born 21 April YE36) is the head monarch and queen of the Lorath Matriarchy. In her constitutional role, she takes little direct part in Government - instead exercising sovereign and executive powers delegated to the monarch by statute and convention (known as royal perogative) as the supreme governor of the Lorath Matriarchy – as such, acts of the state are done in the name of the crown.

In practice, De'ala-Uxez is not concieved conventionally but is a blood and cognitive mix of great figures in Lorath royal family and of Lorath history to provide a diverse range of traits and favorable features both genetically and psychologically that would produce a strong and hardy generation of Tur'lista with the finest features the Lorath species has to offer. While technically classed as Tur'listian, she is actually the first 'remixing' of Lorath castes to formulate a new Turlistian (since all castes originally are derived from Turlistians who are now genetically limited by being only able to breed with one another). Like early Turlistian, she is able to both ovulate and produce eggs and unusually, also sperm and is in theory capable of an immaculate conception if she so chose.

In person, she appears unassuming, mild-mannered and seemingly impossible to disturb or upset – seemingly detatched from harshness around her and more importantly, the importance of her political role and focused on her family. In truth, she exerts political influence behind the scenes through technical legalities though her delegated powers – and that which is beyond her reach is achieved with less wholestome techniques including coersion, psychological warfare, social engineering and information management – excelling in the gray areas of Lorath lawmaking and being somewhat less of a passive lawmaker than her predecessor.

De'ala-Uxez's pride and joy is her family: To be totally engrossed in the happiness and sadness of those around her being her greatest joy. Unusually however, she equates all Lorath as family, knowing her unusual diversity. She is particularly known to dote on children.

De'ala-Uxez Adalheidis Turlistia is played by Osaka/Osakanone and is tied to the Lorath Matriarchy.

Preferred Plots

Physical Characteristics

Unusually tall, De'ala over most Fyunnen in height but has more refined features: her neck slimmer and her shoulders more defined with a distinct hour-glass figure, wide hips, powerful thighs and the almost stereotypical paunch of all Lorath who are old enough to concieve.

Her spine has a Kyphotic curve but tilts naturally at the waist, giving the impression of a curved S-shaped body with her neck tipping forward and her hips bent back even in a neutral pose, with a peak about the top of her tailbone.

Her teeth are also unusually shaped: each resembling a beak, with a smooth flowing curve – and strangely, also able to open and close the same way a beak might.

De'ala's legs are also unusually long – easily double the height of her torso and the same height as most L'manel alone who would stand level with her belly or waist – and she demonstrates a fondness of holding faces against her tummy. Combined with the narrowness of her hips, this serves to hugely emphasize her hourglass shape.

Build and Skin Color: While tendons would show her to be gaunt, her body is unusually plump, creating something of a misnomer and perhaps even a paradox of build – muscle hiding beneath warm plush softness.

Her skin is a near blinding pale white, with a glassy quality. Seemingly devoid of both pores or body hair, her skin can at times have a waxy appearance.

Eyes and Facial Features: De'ala's eyes are a purple, transcending up into a warm cerise. Her eyes slope downward toward their edges, affording an unusual warmth to her smiles and a naturally relaxed expression.

Her features seem to be a good cross between North and South Lorath: refined in places and sleek but also very soft and rounded without being broad.

Ears: Her ears are unusually large: rooted lower down and peaking in a broad thick feather-like shape growing thinner toward the tip about the length of her hand from wrist to middle-fingertip - each at an angle forming a V relative to her head.

Hair Color and Style: Hair

Distinguishing Features: In every way, De'ala's appearance is made to resemble not the modern Xiaah but the classic or orthodox Xiaah often depicted in great works, paintings and stories; sight not seen in hundreds of years on the Lorath political stage. This look consists of a form taller than that of a Fyunnen, stark pale waxy skin, a white flat haircut covering the brow with long flats running from the temples and down the back, eyes described as 'wine-like' and long tall regal ears. This appearance has often been replicated in film or theatre and is particularly famous.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: It is important to know that De'ala's personality is a mixture of many psychologies and mindsets taken from the greatest and brightest minds of Lor for the last 320 years, all blended and stitched together – as such, in spite of her brief life so far, she psychologically, is literally hundreds, maybe even thousands of years old with so many lifetimes of memories to explore.

Emotionally speaking, De'ala first appears slow, spaced out and incredibly laid back and often stuck in her own world. While she might seem slow, it is better to say her mind works quite differently from that of most people – that while she seems unfocused, she is often so intensely focused on a thing that the rest of the world disappears causing her to often miss what is happening around her.

Even stranger, she has a habit of being able to point out rather obvious things nobody else seems to have noticed and is often able to come to what to her seem like very obvious conclusions and yet to others are very lateral and perculiar. In private, this serves her greatly, often very easily able to anticipate the actions of others which she does with great joy though without condescending.

Furthermore, she demonstrates surprising levels of knowledge on unexpected topics. She also seems to have a strange obsession with Ey'tis specifically for reasons unknown.

In contrast to most of the royal family who are privately very high strung, De'ala is often very quiet and accessible in public.

In private however, De'ala has a less friendly side and often enjoys poking fun at those around her in quite an uppity and haughty way, fancying herself something of a haughty, arrogant and snobbish pantomine villainess and is often known to act in theatre but often carries some of the silliness with her - making it difficult to tell if she's being serious or not. To clarify: De'ala is surprisingly cut-throat and has a great love of both speaking in metaphors and insisting that those she speak to get straight to the point: very rarely seeing those politically aligned as her equals and having something of a distrust of politicians, whom she is remarkably fond of blackmailing.

Even stranger, in spite of her respectable public appearances, she demonstrates a very questionable and twisted moral code which includes a iconoclastic contempt for classic authoritarianism (embodying the Lorath refusal to be dominated) and from day one has demonstrated a life-long use of alcohol, drugs and fire-arms and particularly, sex which she equates as a handshake.

Hobbies: With lots of free time on her hands, De'ala enjoys a wide variety of hobbies.

Her favorite is acting: Often playing both male and female roles but taking great joy in playing mean, aloof and snobby villains to play up the poor steroetypes of her predecessors in generations past much to the amusement of the public she performs for in good humor – though sometimes she is known to fall back into speaking in this way deliberately to make fun of others or to abuse her positon of power for personal (and often sexual) gain.

Next comes singing, which naturally precludes acting, with De'ala often singing for many hours a week – even in bathrooms, while in public and during what are otherwise times of peace and quiet. Quite unusually, she can speak in both male and female registers in a wide variety of incredibly convincing voices and accents and is known to practice with finger-puppets representing different characters to entertain children.

Fencing is a close third, something De'ala considers essential for “any self-respecting Lorath” to be able to defend themselves without a fire-arm. While the term used is 'fencing', De'ala is proficient with a wide variety of close combat weapons and is known to be a decent shot with a rifle, sometimes going hunting in the northern forests of Lor with Fyunnen for days or even weeks at a time surviving on wits alone – each and every time scaring the royal family witless.

Intellectually, De'ala enjoys reading (owning her own small library) and is an enormous fan of strategy games including what foreigners call 'chess' and is utterly in love with what Nepleslians call 'poker' – having a personality that prefers to win the war rather than the battle and a keen mind for numbers and statistics that lends itself well to the likes of texas hold'um. She is also a large fan of word-play and learns other languages (with surprising speed) simply for the purpose of exploring international forms of word-play: having a deep and acrid love of awful cringe-worthy puns and unfunny jokes: Knowing the awkward half-laugh or groan of a real cracker can bring those together who would otherwise never see eye to eye.

From time to time, she is known to produce sweets but above all, spends the majority of time, caring and entertaining the many children of the royal family – often taking jobs usually surrendered to carer-staff to deal with herself such as the unplesantries of toilet-duties, mealtimes or getting the children to take medicine – and importantly, she also serves as a teacher of sort, providing the children with an education alongside a wide variety of teaching staff: determined to instill good balanced habits, to avoid pitfalls of personality flaws and instill a sense of pride in being Lorath.

In terms of her vices, De'ala is like any self-respecting Lorath: loving food determined to clog her arteries, hunting, an extensive and questionable use of duqs, smoking, a vast library of pharmalogical intoxication (often carried in a silver suitcase wherever she travels as a very personally managed collection – often disappearing on week long benders to explore new drugs she will claim 'weren't available in my day') and most of all, sex which could in and of itself be considered a hobby: her drive insatiable and often compared with that of a Nepleslian man: Male, female or somewhere in between, if its attractive, De'ala wants to have a go, marking it as her's. In her position she is unique in that she happily engages in intercourse and even multiple romantic relationships simultaniously with members of different castes of all walks of life: most usually volatile but some lasting for years at a time – all arguably state secrets and yet never denied: when confronted, boasting rather than cowering or hiding: proud of her conquests “on behalf of the Lorath people”.



Something goes here!

OOC notes

I think of her as Alice Roosavelt meets Churchill meets Caligula meets Hunter S. Thompson with her aesthetic like a pastel bleached Cleopatra. The attachment to Ey'tis is a nod to her genetic association with Aiesu, as well as Queen Elizibeth II's love of corgis. I'm English: How could I not make a nod to that somewhere?