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Ruah Infiltrator Suit

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The Ruah is an infiltration suit designed for use by spies, and provocateurs for covert operations.

About the Ruah

The Ruah's design stems from a lack of dedicated personal-level stealth technology. While the iromakuanhe_astral_commonwealth had achieved widespread success of stealth systems on the Erla Vandr 2 the gap between vehicular and personal stealth endured. The first prototypes of the Ruah utilized little more than Organoid and cultured tissues from various aquatic life forms. The result was that of a suit capable of altering pigments and textures to resemble objects in the background much like a chameleon would. While capable of fooling optical sensors it did not fool thermal or EM sensing equipment causing the project to be shelved for the next two years.

Defunct, the project eventually ended up in the hands of the ambitious Naryn Industries that had been on the rise. Revising the original design, Naryn eventually recreated the suit with great success even adding improvements upon the initial design to make it even more effective at its intended role. However Naryn has yet to release their use to Commonwealth forces keeping them for 'further testing'.

Key Features


Initial designs for the Ruah began as early as AR 898 when the need for a dedicated Infiltration/Black Ops Suit were mounting. While the Vanguard Intelligence Agency at the time had in-depth deep cover operations throughout the Commonwealth in the aftermath of the Second Outer System Conflict as paranoia continued to mount. A small upstart company spearheaded the initial foray into personal stealth systems with little more than an engineered Organoid/Psuedo-Aquatic Tissue suit designed to mimic its surrounding pigmentation and textures. However it proved ineffective against Thermal and Electromagnetic sensing equipment which began to become more and more commonplace. Having sunk the majority of their capital into the project over an eight year period and little in the way of prospects for the future, the company began filing for bankruptcy.

It was during this time that Naryn Industries took an interest in the design. Having waited with baited breath as the company sank deeper and deeper into debt waiting for a chance to strike and buy up their innovations cheaply. With schematics, test data and documentation in hand, Naryn then began the long arduous task of rebuilding the suit they came to call the 'Ruah' from scratch. Knowing how costly the endeavor could be, Naryn Executives staggered the designing and prototyping in 'spurts' due to funding concerns and as new technological developments and refinements became available. By AR 936 the Ruah had exited prototype phase and into actual field use by Naryn. As of yet, Naryn Industries has not released their usage to the Commonwealth Government or Astral Vanguard due to 'further testing requirements'.


To date, the Ruah lacks a rival within the Astral Commonwealth.


The Ruah's appearance is that of a black and gray bodysuit. Along several points it contains a series of lines that pulse an almost muted blue when stealth systems are at the ready. The Ruah comes standard with a 'utility belt' of sorts with pockets for anything from spare magazines to micro-explosive containers. The material is dull instead of shiny appearing as an almost leather-like substance instead of a weave. The helmet which retracts into the collar of the suit is made of a dull blackened material which covers the entire head. A non-reflective faceplate is the standard.

Statistical Information

Organization: Private Sector
Type: Infiltration Suit
Class: Nm-X1-1a
Designer: Naryn Industries
Manufacturer: Naryn Industries
Production: Limited
Price: n/a

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system.

Material Makeup

The Ruah features multiple layers of varied fibrous smart material.

Naryn's redesign of the Ruah called for multiple layers of inorganic framework to provide a sturdy platform to build off of. Altjira Biomedical was licensed to provide a simple, cost-effective solution to temperature regulation. What they came up with were bio-engineered microfauna capable of retaining the wearer's body heat inside of the innermost suit layer. This excess heat is then channeled through to a specially designed heat diffusion system utilizing a series of coin-sized heatsinks. These microfauna colonies also provide cooling capability, able to mimic background temperature as determined by the suit's on board ANIOS Construct.

The remainder of the suit is made up of a complex mesh of ballistic resistant, energy dispersive and olfactory-resistant fibers interwoven with metamaterial strands used for adaptive camouflage and aural baffling systems.

Suit Systems

(How much cargo can it carry, or if it comes with cargo upon purchase)

Standard Equipment

(What comes standard on this vehicle? IE, Does it have lockers? Fire Extinguishers? First Aid Kits? What?)

OOC Information

(Any information that you want people to know about this vehicle for out of character purposes.)