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Eisjewwl Defense Force

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress.

Stationed on the colony world of Eisjewwl in the Meltra System, the Eisjewwl Defense Force is responsible for protecting the citizens of the Abwehran Star Empire on this world.

Total Personnel: 225,750
Defense Force Commander: Generaloberst Günther Wischhusen

Law Enforcement Organization

Individuals in the Schirmherrschaft responsible for enforcing Imperial Law in their respective jurisdictions.

Total Law Enforcement Personnel: 30,000

Eisjewwl Central Investigation Bureau

Since there is one Major City upon Eisjewwl, the Eisjewwl Central Investigation Bureau (ECIB) only has one office on the planet. This office is comprised of 30 administrative / investigative personnel and 20 ten-person S.T.U.G teams.

Eisjewwl City Marshals

Responsible for maintaining law and order in the only city of Eisjewwl, Eisjewwl Landing, the City Marshals are comprised of 4140 Enforcers divided among the city's 20 Blocs. They are managed and supported by another 50 personnel for each bloc. This leads the Eisjewwl City Marshals to have a total complement of 5140 personnel.

Eisjewwl Provincial Constabulary

The Eisjewwl Provincial Constabulary would normally be responsible for specific provinces on the planet. However, the Eisjewwl Planetary Government is still in the process of zoning its provinces and have thus combined the constabulary into a single overall unit for the purpose of protecting its citizens. Because of this, the Provincial Constabulary has 18,630 Enforcers across the entire planet with another 6000 personnel for support, leaving the Constabulary with a total complement of 24630 personnel

Planetary Military Organization

Small by comparison to the home world, Eisjewwl's Military Forces are mostly comprised of the Landwehr and Luftwaffe. In fact, the Schirmherrschaft has decided to forgo building a Kriegsflotte upon Eisjewwl due to its low percentage of standing water. The Eisjewwl Defense Force currently has twenty-five Planetary Defense Fortresses on the planet.

Total Military Personnel: 195,750


A large portion of the Eisjewwl Military is comprised of the ground forces, the Landwehr. Stationed in the many Planetary Defense Fortresses on Eisjewwl, each with a Brigade of forces, the Eisjewwl Landwehr is comprised of a full Corp, or 187,000 personnel.

Eisjewwl Landwehr Corp


The Luftwaffe of Eisjewwl has plans to expand into five Air Fleets in total. However, the Luftwaffe currently only maintains fighter aircraft and transport craft on the Planetary Defense Fortresses that have been constructed. This means the Luftwaffe consists of 8750 personnel for the entire planet.


Eisjewwl has no Kriegsflotte

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/07/01 18:25 by Abwehran Commander.