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Flora of Abwehr

A variety of plant life exists on Abwehr that does not exist elsewhere in the Known Galaxy. Currently, the Abwehrans are experimenting to see which type of plant life can be exported to the colonies.


Plant life on Abwehr that has been domesticated for use in Abwehran society.




A fruit with a thick rind and green meat, the Hartobst is a tangy fruit that can be found in many plains regions. Grown upon vines, the Hartobst normally reaches diameters of 30 centimeters. It is a favorite of children, who often eat it for dessert or even snacks. Many Abwehrans prefer to eat it at room temperature to preserve its flavor.


A sour berry with a green skin that grows in alpine areas, the Gottberre grows upon the few deciduous trees that reach such elevations. Used in a variety of ways, the Gottberre ranges from 2mm to 4mm in diameter. A favored method of consuming the Gottberre is in a triple-distilled whiskey.

In ancient times, the Gottberre was used in religious ceremonies for a variety of religions in the celebration of harvests and worship. Because of this, the name of the berry slowly became known as “God Berry”. Obviously, it was also named this because it was believed that deities created this berry for parties (because of its good alcoholic derivatives).



Typically found in the caverns of Abwehr, the Leidplitz has a highly nutritious black cap. The Leidplitz's spores have some pharmaceutical properties as a natural painkiller. Diluted into a more manageable form, Leidplitz spores are used widely as over-the-counter analgesics to powerful pain medications in hospitals and professional medical kits.



A tall grass-like plant with kernels on the top, Weizen is the primary ingredient to many Breads and pastries on Abwehr. It is major ingredient for many beers, ales, and lagers. One of the best properties of Weizen is it's ability to grow almost anywhere because of its large range of growing environments. It cannot grow in deserts though.



A leafy green plant harvested for its use as an aromatic, but it is also commonly used to give meals a more bitter taste.



A seed from the Heißsaat, a cavern-based squash, that is ground up into a powder to give foods a spicy flavor. It ranks ~200,000 on the Scoville Scale. The rest of the Heißsaat is used as a flavor enhancer for many alcoholic beverages.



A thin-skinned, bluish vegetable commonly found growing on vines in plains regions, the Blaufühler is a watery vegetable that is often sauteed and served with game meats.


A tuber known to grow in most climates (except desert), the Zesseiter has a thin, green skin that is especially nutritious and often used to create stocks. Under the skin, the Zesseiter is normally a hard vegetable of brown and must be cooked to soften it. There are a wide variety of methods to cook the Zesseiter and it is often a staple of the Abwehran diet for many regions.




A bio-luminescent lichen that grows in many caverns of Abwehr. The Nightwalkers use it as a cheap and efficient light source to provide them with a dim light to see better.



A leafy herb that is normally processed with a variety of other plants to give it flavor before being rolled in a paper and burned. Typically inhaled as a form of narcotic, but it is not banned by the Abwehran Star Empire. Restricted by age. The effects of Lustigkraut normally include increased blood pressure and heart rate, but constriction of the arteries as well. The smoke inhalation also decreases oxygen to the brain to trick the body into a sense of euphoria. Sticks of Lustigkraut are often called Freude.



A vine that has an alarmingly fast growth rate, it has barely been domesticated by the Abwehrans and difficult to farm. However, the flower of the vine is the most important thing to the Abwehran economy. Each flower buds into a 5 centimeter diameter ball of fiber that is used in the textile industry to create a variety of spun cloth. While it is extremely plentiful, the buds themselves are filled with thorns that can be painful. However, modern machinery has allowed the Dorntuch fibers to be harvested and spun easily and painlessly.


Plant life on Abwehr found in wilderness areas and have not been domesticated.


A poisonous leaf used in ancient times as a method of assassination and/or suicide. Also nicknamed the “Heavenly Killer” for its quick reaction within the Abwehran body and little to no pain involved. Upon consumption of mordrasen, the victim has a sudden decrease of oxygen to the brain and causes a false sense of euphoria moments before unconsciousness. The Victim's heart(s) then slow until it stops beating.


A red-leafed, evergreen bush that normally has no value at all. However, the seeds can be ground up into a powder and snorted as a narcotic called Witzbold. This is an illegal substance and banned under Abwehran Imperial Law.


A typical evergreen tree found in the alpine regions of Abwehr, the Blaufell has no real benefit or penalty. It is just one of the more common plants on the planet. The Blaufell can reach heights of 20 meters and is crowned with blue, thin needles. Its seeds are contained a spiny cone that can open up to release dozens of seeds that use wind to spread.


A deciduous tree found in more temperate climates, the Schönwunder is a small tree that reaches heights of around 10 or 12 meters. It's bulbous, smooth leaves are a dark green that can change colors as the seasons change. During the budding seasons, the Schönwunder actually flowers with vibrant cyan petals, which make for a wondrous sight when they fall.