Table of Contents

Becoming an Ersteflotte GM

Before going further, it is suggested that any applicants read the Game Master before reading the following article. This will help you understand the basics of what are being expected of you.

Becoming an Abwehran Game Master is quite simple. No matter whether it is a civilian or military plot, it always begins with contacting the Faction Manager. Whether it is by private messaging or IRC channel, contacting your Faction Manager is the first step. It should be warned that contacting your Faction Manager by AIM is discouraged as he can get quite paranoid when people who aren't on his friends list contact him. If you must contact him by AIM, make sure you identify yourself quickly. After contacting your Faction Manager and discussing the plot you want, it is recommended that you read the Apply to Become A Game Master article. This aids you in contacting a site administer for a plot ship thread in the appropriate place.

This works out well for any future plots, but running a civilian plot is pretty different from running a military plot. A civilian plot is quite independent from the Faction that it originates. A military plot is a lot closer to the Faction due to its effects upon it. A military plot has the influence that a military vessel of the United States Navy, what it does reflects upon its home nation. If a US Destroyer decided to attack another nations vessel, it could lead to an international incident or even war.

Because of this, it is imperative that a future Abwehran GM for a military thread pay more attention to national information than a GM for a civilian plot.

Plot Ship Game Masters

A Game Master of a plot ship is directly responsible for creating and running their own plot. They are expected to know their ship and any other knowledge relevant to their plot. They also have constant access to their Fleet Game Masters and Faction Manager for any help they may need.

Resources for Plot Ship Game Masters

Fleet Game Masters

:!: Currently locked until three Plot Ship Game Masters are recruited :!:

Responsible for fleet-wide plots, Fleet Game Masters are directly under the Faction Manager. In fact, some of them could even become Co-Faction Managers if the need every arose. Fleet Game Masters are responsible for planning and running fleet-wide plots as well as Faction-changing scenarios (though Plot Ships can have serious effects on their factions too).

Resources for Fleet Game Masters