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Abwehran Cuisine

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress.

Styles of preparing and cooking food vary on the planet of Abwehr. Different climates, sub-cultures, and tastes have led to many variations in food preparation. However, a single style of cuisine has been chosen as the Abwehran Cuisine.

"Abwehran Cuisine"

A style of food preparation from the Capital City of grossartige_festung (city), it has been labeled as Abwehran Cuisine as for the benefit of tourists and Non-Abwehrans. In actuality, it is a melting-pot style of cuisine that pulls from the techniques and tastes of all the nearby regions surrounding the Capital.

<To be finished once Regions are completed>

Styles of Abwehran Cuisine by Region

SEE: Geography of Abwehr for information on Regional Cuisine.

Abwehran Cuisine and Non-Abwehrans

Since Abwehr is a heavy-gravity world dense in heavy and rare minerals, much of the native Abwehran Cuisine can be hazardous to non-Abwehrans. In fact, heavy-metal poisoning is a common occurrence for any non-Abwehran silly enough to try unfiltered Abwehran food stuff.





While similar to the Yamataians, Geshrin have a lower tolerance for heavy metals than the more updated models.








A species that is unaffected by the heavy mineral content in Abwehran Cuisine, the Mishhuvurthyar are quite capable of eating Abwehran Cuisine.


One of the few species that are unaffected by Abwehran Cuisine, Nekovalkyrja have a sturdy digestive system that enables them to filter out components that are labeled as poisonous to the Yamataians. Because of this, they are able to eat Abwehran Cuisine with very little issues.



While not quite as capable of digesting Abwehran Cuisine as Nekovalkyrja and Mishhuvurthyar, Yamataians are able to each small quantities of Abwehran food without suffering any ill-effects. Eating too much can lead to minor digestive issues.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/03/04 13:01 by Abwehran Commander.