Table of Contents

Jobobi Class Dropship

The Jobobi-Class Dropship is a ship developed for the Kuvexian Military by Unau Wibla Auhali. It was developed in YE 42 and designed to be an economical delivery vehicle for Rixxikor and their eggs in extremely large quantities.

Jobobi refers to an uncontrolled frenzy, which is exactly what the delivery of this ship's payload brings to a planet.

The Jobobi Class Dropship: A Harbinger of Frenzy

The Jobobi-Class has more in common with a type of military cargo hauler than an actual dropship. The main body of the ship remains in space, and honeycomb-shaped nest pods are dropped from orbit filled with horny Rixxikor and nests with their eggs. Each pod contains supplies like weapons and cheap-produced or salvaged military equipment for their use. Smaller food pods are also dropped but in locations, short distances clustered from the landing zones of the pods, and are filled with food scraps and refuse designed to draw the Rixxikor out and into the environment.

Statistics and Performance

The Jobobi-Class Dropship is commonly seen in the Kuvexian Military. It is a workhorse of the pre-invasion resources and is commonly used to deliver Rixxikor to worlds in advance or in cooperation with invasion fleets.


Passengers and Payload


Propulsion and Range

Durability and Lifespan

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

The Jobobi-Class Dropship's main ship section is a relatively low-end vessel, but a definite upgrade from the payload pods where the Rixxikor travel. The dropships tend to travel with the larger fleets and are only taken off automation and given actual crew for active operations, so the living areas of the ships are relatively basic and standard.


Living Area

Systems and Engineering Bay

Payload Pods

The payload pods are cheaply produced and are single-use. They are designed to survive atmospheric insertion and landing. Some pods are used temporarily as shelters for Rixxikor, but the food pods are dropped separately from the payload pods to ensure they spread outwards from the original landing position.

The payload pods are tightly packed, adult Rixxikor are stored in vertical stasis units along the edges of the pods and the eggs are kept in incubation tubes at the core of the pods.

Varying storage containers, inside the pods, often hold cheapy produced weapons or salvaged military equipment and supplies.

Food Pods

The food pods which are carried in the cargo section of the main ship are generally filled with food waste or food that did not meet the standard to be served on Kuvexian Military ships. They are often rotten and have a strong pungent smell that attracts hungry Rixxikor to make them seek out the pods and spread on a planet's surface.

Ship Systems

Hull and Spaceframe

The main body of the vessel is constructed using Domo trusses and a secondary Juromo framework that has been molecularly welded for strength. Prefabricated 0.5mm thick Domo hull plating is applied using similar molecular welding processes and is overlapped in a scale-like formation to take advantage of the material's self-annealing abilities.

Electronics Systems

The Jobobi-Class Dropship utilizes the Ejes Virein Tasu computer and AI system. Since it is a military ship it has the oevts Node and the standard communications and sensor packages.

Power Systems

The Joboni-Class Dropship uses Aether generators for primary power. Secondary power is provided by a set of fusion generators.

Propulsion Systems

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2020/01/16 14:32.

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