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Impulse Powered Armor Accessories

The following is a list of accessories, modules and add-ons compatible with Impulse Powered Armor.

Military Items

Forearm Hardpoint Systems

Shoulder Hardpoint Systems

Calf Hardpoint Systems


Civilian Items



Search and Rescue


Start on the Civilian items first; SARP's got a lot of mil-tec already, and some things for 'normal folk' would be handy. Plus, it's harder. Need different packs for Construction, Firefighting and S&R. Construction pack will come with an armature that folds up into the side of the pack. Pack has a carousel of heavy powered tool attachments for the armature. Lesser tools can be hung from a belt and attached to the wrist; despite attaching via wrist mount, will mostly be in hand and fold away onto wrist when done. Things like power drills with pistol grips will spin before stowing away for standby/removal. Thinking of a freeze gun that fires liquid or semi-liquid CO2 from atmosphere for the fire fighting pack. Make it look like Ghostbusters pack maybe. Search and Rescue will be a modified space pack with advanced sensors capable of functioning in ground-side disaster areas and battle sites/wreaks. Probably cable probe snake things to look around with as well.