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High Output Nuclear EnergY Combine Drives, more commonly referred to simply as HONEY COMB Drives, are an assembly of multiple redundant Fusion generators connected to a single output thruster assembly.


Originally used in YE 40 for the Karakoram-Class Mecha Carrier, The HONEY COMB drives were developed to increase efficiency, redundancy, and ease maintenance on drive units for larger spacecraft, as opposed to simply using a single enormous engine. After half a decade of successful use on the Karakoram, the HONEY COMB drives were standardized, and from YE 45, would become the standard configuration for starship drives made by Origin.


HONEY COMB drives are, essentially, a configuration of HONEY SLAM drives which are linked together to feed a single output thruster. This configuration allows for multiple redundancy in power supply, as well as supplying the plasma for thrust and acceleration. additionally, it allows for ease of maintenance, as individual SLAM reactors can be taken offline and repaired, maintained, or even outright replaced, without requiring the entire drive unit to be shut down, easing in-route repairs. These drive units can range from a relatively compact version with 4 linked reactors, all the way up to 40 linked reactors for the largest units.

HONEY COMB drives are roughly 20m in diameter, and range in length from roughly 30 meters (including nozzles and anchors) to about 55 meters for the largest units.

Drive configurations

There are two types of drive configurations, the Quad-type, and the Oct-type. Quad-types are always multiples of 4, and Oct-types are in multiples of 8. the maximum number of rows for either type is 5, giving a max of 20 and 40, respectively.

Regardless of type, the generators are arranged on a large tubular framework, which has an open passageway down the center, large enough for an individual SLAM generator to be removed from its socket and transported out of the assembly for heavy maintenance or replacement. The inside of the tube has a traversing lift arm which can be used to pull the generators out of their sockets and placed on carts for transport, or vice versa. The 'floor' of the drive is a semi-floating catwalk which can be moved in sections to allow access to all generator units in the drive assembly.

Each generator is housed in a protective socket which has self-sealing quick disconnect ports, vents, and other connections for feeding the drive fuel, delivering energy, or distributing plasma to either the primary thruster or through plasma conduits to auxiliary and vernier thrusters. These sockets can also be used to extend the drive into the interior of the frame tube for minor maintenance, or to make it easier for the lift arm to attach to and move the generators.


Quad type HONEY COMB drives have either 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 SLAM units, arranged in a + or X pattern, with each row offset from the next at a 45 degree angle to keep the size as compact as possible. Quad-types tend to have more room between generators compared to an Oct-type, and the overall drive assemblies are lighter than an Oct-type drive that takes up the same amount of space. Quad-type drives were the original configuration for HONEY COMB drives, and while not always, are typically used on smaller ships, or ships where STL speed is less important.


Oct-Type HONEY COMB drives are either 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 SLAM units combined, arranged as an X and a + superimposed upon one another. Each row is offset by 22.5 degrees to allow the drives to remain as compact as possible. Due to the number of drives together, there is not as much space, and the weight is nearly double compared to a quad-type, but the power output is also doubled. Oct-Type drives tend to be used on ships where STL speed, or overall power output is of great import, typically in a warship, or in a larger ship that has higher energy requirements.


HONEY COMB drives are best used in Starships as both primary STL drives and primary power generation. HONEY COMB drives are very versatile, and easy to maintain, and can continue to operate even if more than one generator is damaged, destroyed, or otherwise non-operational, and do not require personnel to exit the shift in order to maintain or service them.


Pricing for the HONEY COMB drives works out to roughly 10,000 KS multiplied by the number of individual generators in the engine assembly. for example:

Replacement parts are available as follows:

Replacement Generators:

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/04/27 09:35.

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1,000 KS per SLAM Generator held