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Apparel Array

The Apparel Array is a belt that projects clothing and uniforms onto its user using volumetrics. It was first manufactured in YE 32 by Origin General Manufacturing and targeted women as its primary clientele. Regardless, the basic Apparel Array has a simple enough appearance to be acceptable for men's fashion as well.


The Apparel Array includes several small sensor suites, capacitors, memory cores, processors, and volumetric projector arrays wrapped up into several individual modules or segments; they are interconnected and work in tandem to function properly and create the tactile volumetric clothing. These segments are designed specifically to project the displays over the user's body and are well hidden from view by the volumetrics unless the outfit reveals the Apparel Array's location. In such a case, the Apparel Array uses its own volumetrics to tuck itself away from prying eyes through use of projecting false images. All outer components are made out of a Durandium Alloy made to have the same color and luster as gold or silver; multiple tints are available for purchase and actual gems may be added. Every other segment or module is a capacitor, and can provide 24 hours worth of constant usage collectively. The default set has the Origin Industries logo on the belt buckle.

Due to high energy consumption, it is recommended that clothing such as underwear be worn in conjunction with the Apparel Array.


The Apparel Array is a gold or silver belt made out of several 2 by 4 by 0.5 cm rectangular segments bound together by a trio of wires. The belt automatically conforms to the wearer when properly fitted and will not snag or pinch the user's skin. At the front rests the belt buckle in the form of the Origin Industries Logo. By rubbing the logo, a volumetric menu wrapped around the user's forearm may be brought up.


Customized variants may be ordered from Origin Industries and Origin Industries Approved Stores. They tend to vary greatly in appearance and weight but rarely sacrifice functionality unless the demanded appearance falls below the minimum requirements necessary for standard operating levels. In such cases, the customers are given notice prior to purchase.


Recharging Station (Included)

Both types are durable, impact resistant and fireproof. They act as simple safe or lock boxes; key included.

Type A

Included is the recharging station, cleverly disguised as a jewelry box, embossed with gold and silver filigree. A small Origin Industries Logo sits front and center at where the box closes. A special slot for the folded up belt is present on the left side, with more conventional spots for normal jewelry on the right.

Type B

A no frills version of the recharging station, the Type B is a simple black or silver lock box with the Origin logo at the front. The paint pattern is matte, and hard baked onto the metal.

Origin Apparel Array Store

With the purchase of an Apparel Array comes 5 outfits of the customer's choice, as well as a bonus outfit of the customer's choosing; a little black dress, one or two piece swimsuit, and a maid or ninja cosplay are among the choices for the bonus slot. Additional clothing may be purchased via the Origin Apparel Array Store online or in Origin approved stores.

Personalized Apparel Array

Customers may have a custom designed Apparel Array made to their personal specifications, dimensions and designs so long as they do not go under the necessary size requirements for the array to operate. Prices vary.


Standard Apparel Array 500 KS
Customized Apparel Array 500 + KS
Replacement Recharge Station 150 KS
Additional Apparel Program 10-15 KS

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2019/12/24 17:41, in order to replace an earlier version of the item that had been removed at the original creator's request.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.