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Lazarus - Kray Terraforming atmosphere reprocessor

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.


A large non-stationary unmanned structure which uses vast intakes which suck in atmospheric material and reprocess it chemically via specially designed bacterial processing and nano-chemical systems - scattering specially designed bacteria up into the atmosphere to continue the process - including Terrafumar, Carbolite and Kryon.

In addition, the structure is a chemical trap - recovering useful and rare gasses in the atmosphere that would usually have to be mined that are useful in manufacture. For this reason, it is often very close to manufacturing facilities during colonization efforts.

The structure itself is space worthy, containing a large number of gravitic centrifuges which are used in its compression and storage systems. It is capable of leaving an atmosphere with assistance, though it is rather ponderous. It posesses no FTL, requiring specialist towing equipment to move it from system to system.

Power Source? Size? Defense Stats? Appearance? Etc?

Statistics & Characteristics


Government: N/A Organization: Lazarus Consortium Type: Advanced Atmosphere reprocessing plant Class: Mobile structure Manufacturers: Lazarus Consortium Designing companies:


Height: X Meters Width: X Meters Mass: X Tons



The Kray reprocessing complex is capable of rooting itself and forming its own foundations or lifting off. It can leave and enter an atmosphere, though it takes around 40 minutes to do so.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Core Systems

Thorium reactor

Primary Computer

Gravitic centrifuges



Chemical reprocessing system

Bacterial Generation suite


Docking Bay

An automated airlock and hanger system, used for docking small craft, usually carrying maintenance technicians or replacement parts. Doors are indicated with bright blue running lights and require keycode validation (transmitted via radio). Computer control is usually then passed to the Kray complex which guides the ship in and lands it.

Cargo Bay

Used for the storage of products.

Loading Hanger

Used for the loading and unloading of cargo into transports, either airborne craft or by rail.

Landing lights

Used to illuminate the borders of the Kray complex in poor lighting conditions. Double as radio transmitters.