Table of Contents

bleed off article. Not for roleplay.

Subspace Accelerator

A subspace accelerator can be can be added to the barrels, further boosting the round velocity to upwards of 15.3 kilometers per second, a minor improvement over the 400,000 km/h (11.11km/s) the existing Lorath 610mm Subspace Enhanced Railgun sings to, thanks to some precise calibration. At maximum velocity, the gun has a charge time of once every 8 seconds, a great improvement over the cannon, though with a much smaller round with the aim of putting multiple rounds on target simultaneously with precise computer controlled fire, similar to the 'popcorn' effect enjoyed by NLOS (no line of sight parabolic artillery weapons). Additional cooling apparatus is also included, to prevent the catastrophic overheating the accelerator would induce.

Such a system absolutely requires an additional power-source, such as that provided by powered-armour. It is primarily designed for operation in a vacuum over long ranges.

Tactical Launcher

The icing on the cake is a specialised chambering system which allows the bottom barrel of the cycling systems to fire a custom shell from a revolver-style mount - completely bypassing the cyclone mechanism. This may be useful for special operations such as tagging, flares, explosives, special penetrators and other options.

Custom Barrel Extensions

Extensions mounted upon the barrel can optionally coat the leaving round with an explosive or incendiary coating, pulling from tanks mounted inline with the barrel. This system mounts to the same hardpoint as the subspace accelerator and the two cannot both be mounted simultaneously.

Optional Targeting Systems

Optional sensors on the BFG-Cyclone include a classic scope, the Far-Sight™ scope and the Wide-Shot™ detection system.


FarSight™ is effectively a miniaturised wide-band photon detection system, similar to that found on most contemporary powered-armor. It has been simplified and ruggedised. Functionally speaking, it can see passively into most of the EM spectrum (to detect radio or microwave communications, magnetic fluctuations, infared thermals) as well as other electrical discharges.

It can also search actively with an adaptive cathode, acting as an optical radar of sorts, even allowing it limited visual penetration through surfaces to identify objects on the other side toward the upper-band of the EM spectrum. Unlike powered-armour, its aperture is very narrow, making it a better choice for picking off tactical targets at range and opening an engagement. Combined with the magnetic acceleration system, the Cyclone is a first-class sniper-rifle.


WideSight™ on the other hand is the philosophical opposite. Working similarly to basic detection on powered-armor, it a horizontal visor of sorts beneath the basic scopes that functions as a wide-aperture compound eye. Since a user can only ever see in one given direction with limited peripheral vision, WideSight™ offers additional detection within the visible spectrum up to 120 meters. Combined with range-finding and a high rate of fire or additional penetration based on data provided by the Far-FarSight™'s identification of the cover or protection the enemy is using making it an effective weapon against powered-armor. Used in conjunction with the MONO™ headset or translational software, the user's awareness is augmented hugely, giving a distinct tactical advantage.

Other notes

To do Get help from Kampfer and Doctomoe on this one before you start producing visuals. You're way in over your head, Osaka. Also decide: Is this going to be a personnel weapon or an armor mounted weapon (probably personnel…)

When firing with additional assistance from the barrel, not just the centrifuge, the friction of the round superheats the air its travelling through, nullifying the stealth advantage in exchange for additional velocity (ideal for fast-moving targets), range and kinetic penetration.

Programmable airburst rounds and kinetic penetrators need to be developed for the weapon separately (XM25 system).

Misc notes (QA format:)

(these need compiling and clarifying in the basic blurb)

Q: Maintanance nightmare: Too many moving parts? A: The gravitic centrifuge has no moving parts. Only the barrel moves.

Q: Barrel would be noisy. Need a battery. A: Energetic recovery from the centrifuges power the barrel.

Q: Computer failure - would that be an issue? A: The Centrifuge packs many small computers rather than one large one making it incredibly redundant. In practice, even if half of them fail at any given point, the device will continue to work with no problems and damaged structol circuits contain XNA data of their construction and will typically repair themselves. In short, the computer components only require maintenance around once a year, simply by adding a carbon/water solution into the centrifuge while it is not active.

Q: Is there really a need for this weapon? A: It can operate in threemodes: Low performance/stealthy, high rate of fire or high velocity/range/power. If you don't know what you're up against, the weapon is an ideal choice.

Optional consideration: a centrifuge at the end of the barrel, vectoring the trajectory of the round Replay