Table of Contents

Work in progress

Chamber Modules

Chamber-Modules are rapidly fabricated standardized rooms and elements of a starship or ground colonization effort as part of an entirely modular combination. Being modular and quite simple, their repair and construction is undemanding and they are easy to modify.

Noteworthy is the fact the rooms and their components dimensions follow the same dimensional proportions as standard starship cargo containers precisely, making fabricated rooms easy to transport as shelter in relief efforts or as parts of a starship.

Important is that all habitable rooms contain basic life-support systems and contain air-locks, power exchanges, atmosphere exchangers and water recyclers.

Planet-side, chamber-modules can very rapidly be expanded and built to house populations, refine materials, fabricate tools or provide defense.

These are primarily used and produced by the "Caernarfon" Variable Drone

Habitat module

Caution: All habitat modules which are not directly linked require entry into the external environment - unless the exterior area housing the habitat modules is in and of itself sealed and secured. If it isn't, a vac-suit is generally required to protect the user.

Also important is that unless the module has its own gravitational overrides with a defined up or down (via a parent units gravitic deck plating or gravitic centrifuge), the entire construct is a microgravity environment if in space.

Habitat Modules

Modules intended to sustain occupants.

C-H1 - Habitat 01: Quarters

A single compartment designed to provide an ideal habitat for up to three occupants. Includes a bed, bathroom and showering facilities.

C-H2 - Habitat 02: Kitchen/Pantry

A kitchen/food processing/food storage area. Designed to be cohabited with other Habitat-A types linked to it.

C-H3 - Habitat 03: Communal Chamber

Essentially a linked set of Habitat 01 without the bed forming a communal chamber.

C-HX - Habitat 0X: Custom chamber

A blank, containing no specialized equipment beyond basic water and gas exchange systems. Ideal for storage or to be outfitted with special equipment for special operation Life Modules

C-L1 - Life 01: Reclamation & Filtration

Recycles air, water and solid waste. Designed initially for a person to live on a Caernarfon , the filtration system must be operational. Designed to be linked to Habitats A & B. Once connected to either, all connected Habitat-type modules benefit from the function of the Habitat Life Module.

C-L2 - Life 02: Medical facilities

Essentially, a medical-bay. Contains a number of medical pods and special storage systems. Surprisingly adaptable.

C-L3 - Life 03

A food-garden, designed to grow substrate meat extrusions to a designed pattern based on a genetic source or to grow plant-life.

Fabrication Modules

Modules designed to be used specifically to produce equipment, intended to be used along with and as an extension of a Caernarfon's existing and likely very taxed AL100 fabrication systems.

C-F1 - Fabrication 01 (subtractive)

Reductionist or subtractive manufacture: Beginning with solid blocks of material and using milling and CNC techniques to create the finished object.

C-F2 - Fabrication 02 (additive)

Constructivist or additive manufacture: Beginning with a substrate and using 3D printing and injection moulding techniques to form complex components

C-F3 - Fabrication 03 (nano)

Precision construction, essentially forming objects via both additive and subtractive nano-construction techniques. Essential for all components finer than 0.005 millimetres, often to provide corrections and checks to components from other fabrication modules.

C-F04 - Fabrication 04 (verification)

An optical and neutron scanning system which checks for flaws within product components to assure the level of defect is below the required threshold.

C-F05 - Fabrication 05 (assembly)

Different components are then assembled into a final product.

C-F06 - Fabrication 06 (final assembly)

Tethered automated GENI are used to move the components into position and secure them into place. They essentially act as the 'fingers' of the Caernarfon. 12 GENI per Fabrication unit.