True Structol

(Work in progress)

True structol melds the adaptability, growth, self-repairing and self-improvement factors of structol along with the adaptability, precision, and potential of quasicrystals to create seamless blocks of material which act as an entirely decentralized system. In effect, there is no requirement for the majority of individual systems for a tool or weapon using a culture of True Structol and its redundancy provides resilience to the given application by maintaining function after sustaining significant damage.

Applications include computation, sensor systems, energy recovery, energy release, cooling, electronic warfare, stealth, kinetic and energetic deflection and absorbsion, advanced display technologies, capacitor and energy management systems and seemingly free-energy to power all of this without violating the second law of thermodynamics.

Reverse engineered from craft and recovered material by the observably extinct Sourcian, advanced or 'true' structol has been impossible to construct until very recently in meaningful numbers due to the fact extreme microgravity environments, electromagnetically neutral environments are required to make them along with per-atom construction systems in order to create 'seed' cultures which will not 'attack', meld or dominate with 'classical' non-advanced structol cultures, thus making them practical for use.

As an integrated failsafe, destruction of the 'placenta' or master computational cluster however will render the complete culture unable to grow, adapt or repair itself until a replacement is found. While the cluster will continue to function, the lack of executive decision making, computation and instructions mean the 'society' of structol elements will have no higher task to guide them. In simple terms, destruction of the placenta effectively results in a lobotomy. This is usually enough to neutralise the culture and diffuse a non-desirable scenario in the event of an incident.

Similarly, either latent or cooperative cultures can be implanted into a single master-colony in order to keep them in check or enforce a reward system and a given set of instructions with a penalty for failure which can sever the master-placenta from the system or over-write portions of it. They may also feature specific circuitry or patterns which can be transplanted in their entirety from one culture to another via contact, passing on huge volumes of information, circuitry and useful mechanisms.
