The Modder's Paradise

The “Modder's Paradise” is a line of starship modification tools for after market modding produced by Kakutama Heavy Industries. The line is quiet diverse, covering a wide range of demands, and necessities. All of the tools are of the highest quality for the civilian consumer. In addition to their standard products, Kakutama Heavy Industries also asked their customers for feedback on tools they'd like made, and after testing, KHI happily obliged.

Tool List

Universal Wire Stripper

When wires just need to be stripped cleanly, with no fuss and mess. The KHI universal wire stripper does this with ease. The UWS was made for amateur use, being a long handle with a ring with small laser beam projectors along the inner tract. The handle is a no slip grip, rubberized with grooves for the fingers.The handle's hinge is fairly tight, and allows the UWS to be tilted. Splicing is also possible, simply tilt the ring sideways and push it into the insulation if you cannot run it inside the ring. The handle has a built in battery that is rechargeable, and comes with its own charger. The battery life when in constant use is five hours before needing to be charged. Also the handle includes a beam selector, making it broader, or more narrow with a simple twist of the dial. And by default, the UWS has been designed to not cut the conductors inside of the wires.

Specification Spectacles "Spec Specs"

Need eye protection during those times you have a plasma torch in hand, and doing some serious welding? The Spec Specs are for you! They come in a stylish wrap around sunglasses design made of heat resistant plastics with a carbon nanofiber weave, the lenses have built in nanites capable of lens polarization from clear to gold to prevent that blinding work from ruining your eyes. The nanites serve several purposes, one being the lens polarization, another being able to inlay a 3-D Model on the lenses so you can just what and where it is you're working on, what needs to be done, or as a simple point of reference, so on and so forth. The Spec Specs' best feature is the mini sensor systems built directly into the frame of the glasses. These sensors are specially tuned to perform a structural integrity scan of the area currently being worked on to ensure no spotty welding can get by! They are powered by two tiny batteries also built into the frame as well. Battery life is six hours, when in need of being charged a tiny wire can be pulled out, and hooked directly into a charger.


The Scorcher, true to the name is a hot device. The scorcher is a hand held plasma torch. The Scorcher uses a tiny electromagnetic field generator built into the nozzle area to form and shape the plasma being used into a fine tipped 'beam' for cutting. It uses a small, yet powerful microwave emitter to turn the air in front of it into plasma which is then shaped by the electromagnetic field generator. It is a hand held device being about seven by four inches in diameter. At the butt of the scorcher is a efficient battery source capable of maintaining power for up to three hours before charging is needed. A small warning, manual,and disclaimer are included.

Note: The Scorcher can be a dangerous device when used improperly, if the microwave emitter is set to above normal parameters it could result in electromagnetic field failure and possibly igniting the area in plasmatic fire. KHI is in no way responsible for the improper or inept use of this tool after purchase.

The Ripper

The Ripper…no not the SMX power armor. The Ripper is a graviton spreader. It looks vaguely like an archaic wrench in overall design, being constructed of titanium alloy with a rubberized grip. Right above the grip is a small dial that can easily be turned with the thumb. What the Ripper does is use two small graviton projectors to literally make a extremely clean seam by separating the very molecules of the material it is being used on. The Ripper is primarily used for those tougher materials like Durandium Alloy and Nerimium. In addition, The Ripper not only does what the name implies, but can also seal, or 'weld' two objects are of the same general shape it can bring them together, and even thin the material somewhat. To truly bond them, the molecules are excited and then that excess heat is used to bond the materials together. The dial near the grip adjusts the width of the seam,and a small button is just above it to turn it on or off. Due to the nature of the device, a more powerful battery is used, battery life lasts for an hour and a half of constant use before needing to be charged.


These are simple in design with customer protection in mind. Over all they use Stonethread for the base, with a carbon nanofiber weave throughout the Stonethread to prevent tearing or cutting. They have been heat-treated, so they can “take the heat” of working with the Scorcher, they come in jet black for color. To further protect the hands of the wearer, a thin ceramic, metal composite is added to the top, and along the joints of the fingers to give it an 'armored' feel. A low-strength adhesive was also added to the back of the gloves so as to be able to leave small tools or parts there during those pesky zero-g jobs.

The Beeper

The Beeper is one of the more useful tools when working with an unfamiliar ship. Basically it is a handheld, portable energy emission and radiation detector. Relatively simple with an instruction manual on how to operate it included, the Beeper does actually beep, hince the name. It has a small LED screen which shows the energy and radiation levels of the object it is being pointed at, and can be adjusted to detect a multitude of different radiation types, and energy as well. It is constructed out of industrial strength plastics with carbon nanotubes woven throughout it, and is a dull silver in coloration. On the face plate are the controls.

OOC Notes

Page was made by Soresu.