Table of Contents

ODIN Initiative

Odin clones were created by Altera's best scientists to be the future architects of Altera's cloning efforts. They are incredibly intelligent and conditioned with a powerful need to create. Other than adjustments to their metabolism and overall health, their physical capabilities are similar to an unmodified human.

The ODIN Initiative was Altera's first official attempt at cloning. The corporation approached the challenge by pushing the clone's genetics, particularly those related to intelligence and creative problem solving, to the limits of human potential. In order to improve their chances of success, each clone was altered in minor ways. If the changes Altera had planned caused some clones to fail, there would be others who were different enough to survive.

Unfortunately, it was the powerful drive to create that caused a number of them to become mentally unstable. So great was the need to make new things that they never wished to rest and would become angered at any interruptions. Most of these became self-destructive and did not 'pass' the initiative's early stages.

Those who did 'pass' then underwent a highly invasive surgery to have their eyes replaced with a vision unit, MUGIN, and processing unit, HUGIN. The survivors were entered into Altera Corporation's scientific force and made great strides.

Features of an Eitr

Enhanced Mental Acuity

All surviving Odin clones are intensely brilliant and grasp challenging concepts on an intuitive level. Portions of their minds have been genetically and surgically altered to possess or induce one or more forced savant syndrome/s. The clones all show signs of eidetic memory, an enhanced perception of geometry and mathematical principles in their daily lives, and a greatly expanded capacity for abstract, higher thought thinking.

A consequence of this change is that Odin clones are, as a whole, socially inept. Some are distant, others easily angered, and others just don't quite know how to read the room. The one place where their social skills seem to be intact is when operating as part of a team. They collaborate easily, show little sign of ego when discussing ideas, and generally act as force multipliers for the team as a whole.

Enhanced Vision

One eye, MUGIN, handles everything normally related to sight and a number of additional functions. Clones can 'see' the things they imagine, effectively allowing them to operate something akin to a CAD program by thought. This vision also extends to all of the real things that they see - labeling and cataloging them, displaying relevant information about composition, and so forth. MUGIN provides perception beyond the visual spectrum, detecting mass, temperature, radiation, chemical composition, energy signatures, and a number of other factors. These are displayed as part of their HUD as helpful tags, which can be 'interacted' with for further information.

The other eye has been replaced by a small quantum computing unit, HUGIN, that is deeply connected into their brain. While it provides no sight capabilities, it manages some of the processing power required for the other eye and enhances their own thought processes. Their natural abilities, combined with the 'eye', allow them to efficiently store the things they see, process them consciously or subconsciously, recall data or thoughts at a later time, and generally perform feats of logic at near-instantaneous speeds by off-loading them to a task-oriented AI. The system can be seamlessly connected to external networks to offload further processing needs, download data, or provide commands.

Depth perception is handled by processing information from the natural, tiny movements of the eye known as microsaccades and extrapolations of that data.

The deep connections of both eye replacements prevents the use of other cybernetic wet ware, such as the Geist Advanced Interfacing Implant.

Design and Production Capabilities

Odins were made to create new organisms and technology. Their ability to understand and process complicated concepts and easily visualize them vastly streamlines the normal creative process. An Odin can run highly sophisticated simulations entirely within their head, apply their findings to their current project, and repeat the process until they are satisfied.

All Odin clones understand geometry and chemistry in a way that is difficult for others to understand. They naturally 'see' lines, angles, potential chemical bonds, and so forth, where others would see a hand or a drink. They think about mathematical equations and algorithms the same way a normal person might consider their lunch. In short, the way they perceive and think about the world is heavily skewed towards their intended purpose.

Compulsion to Create

Odin clones have a powerful, subconscious compulsion to invent, create, and problem solve. This was intended to ensure that the clones would remain happy, loyal workers. The actual result is that the clones can seem erratic or antsy when unable to keep themselves busy. The longer a clone is unable to pursue creative tasks, the more they begin to show signs of insanity. If this lasts beyond the clone's ability to manage it, the clone can suffer a complete mental break.

A benefit for the clones is that they are able to enter into a 'flow state' on demand and work for extended periods without suffering mental fatigue. Indeed, the clones get something akin to a “runner's high” from their work, in addition to the usual psychological benefits of a job well done.

Known Odin Clones

The following is a list of living Odin clones:

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/03/27 11:02.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.