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Gemini “Gemma” Takasho

Gemini “Gemma” Takasho is a player character played by squidrobot111.

Gemini “Gemma” Takasho
Species & Gender: Female Minkan
Date of Birth: 14日 3月 YE 19
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Infantry
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Shiroyama

Physical Description

Gemini is a somewhat small (4’ 9”) minkan, with a cream coloured skin. Gemma has an hourglass figure. She has a slightly rounded face, with dark brown eyes. She has short cut, light blue hair, which dulls out a bit at its tips, with wavy bangs on the front. The hair goes around her elf styled ears, before quickly ending, barely reaching her shoulders.


Gemma is a highly enthusiastic individual, one that wont stop chasing people to befriend. She is extremely sociable, and will actively attempt to engage in conversation with those around her, unless told otherwise. Gemma isn’t easily angered or annoyed, but she does have a limit to what she can take in, and will become very hostile if provoked.


Gemini was born on YE 19, to a Star Army of Yamatai recruit and a civilian. She lived most of her life with her father, in a micro apartment in Kyoto, while her mother was off serving the army. Gemma would frequently make a big deal about her mother’s career, and often would impatiently await her video calls, just to hear stories of her endeavors. She would spend her time either playing her space simulating video games, or helping her father complete various tasks. She lead a rather normal life, growing up in Kyoto with her father. Her mother eventually returned from the Star Army, where, years later, Gemma would apply, wanting to continue in her mother’s footsteps.

Skills Learned

Survival and Military: Gemini has a high level of survivability in the case she is cut off away from the main force. This includes but is not limited to the creation of shelters, hunting, cooking, trapping and other essential skills. She can also accurately report their findings despite adverse conditions, enemy presence and technological restrictions.
Knowledge: As there is a lack of support and increased personal risk in the line of duty of a Ranger, split second decisions can mean the difference between operational success and failure much more often than standard Infantry and Pilots. Gemini consistently displays excellent logic in the face of adversity.
Humanities: Gemini has a proficient understanding of psychology, unit cohesion, mental attrition, demoralization, and psychological warfare.
Physical: Gemini maintains excellent physical condition, on account of their intensive training and workout regime.

Social Connections

Gemini “Gemma” Takasho is connected to:

Kaimios Takasho (Father)
Amelia Takasho (Mother)

Inventory & Finance

Gemini “Gemma” Takasho has the following:

Small metallic models of the Sidewinder MK I and Cobra Mk III, both in a shade of cyan, from the space simulator Elite: Frontier.

Gemini “Gemma” Takasho currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by squidrobot111 on 04, 09 2019 at 08:07 using the Character Template Form.

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