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Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth D.V.M., M.D.

Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth D.V.M., M.D. is a player character played by Dog-tor Vanth.

Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth M.D.
Species & Gender: Random Alien Bigender
Date of Birth: 35日 9月 YE 16
Occupation: Doctor
Current Placement:

Physical Description

Height: 2.15m

Weight: 170.2 kg

Hair Color: (fur) White

Eye Color: (Heterochromia) icy blue/gold

Physical Description:

Tall at 2.159m. Fit, athletic and strong. Covered head to paw in fur. Head, paws, and tail of a wolf.

The first thing that one notices when seeing Vanth is strength, the wolf like appearance, thick furs and strong limbs and build all make even a Nepleslian think twice before they would anger it. Once one gets closer though the softer aspects come out better; the soft and well groomed fur, the stunning eyes featuring hues of Ice cold blue and Sun warm gold create for an amazing mix of colors and depth.

A uniform is of course a must when one serves, but no one would put someone like Vanth in a standard uniform, the heat alone would be to much. So Vanth wears a light uniform loosely fitting over hir furcoat to make sure neither heat or a ruined coat will be a problem.

When s/he speaks there is this deep voice with a soft rumble in the tone, it carries a great power at one moment and great sense of caring at the other for behind all the strong exterior rest a caring person.


A bit on PRONOUNS: Vanth has requested and been granted the requirement of the use of special pronouns in recognition of hir unique gender. Those are as follows:

1. “S/he” instead of “she” or “he”

2. “Hir” in place of “her”, “him”, and the possessives, “hers”, and “his”

3. “Hirself” where appropriate, and finally,

4. “Shir”, though s/he admits hirself, s/he is lax on this, and “sir” will work in a pinch.


Dr. Vanth strives to be the best leader of hir medical team, s/he can possibly be. S/he strives to eventually transfer to command department in order to become an executive officer of, and eventually command of a medical starship.

Hobbies & Interests:

Doctor Vanth loves to collect and read physical and digital comic books, and graphic novels.


Was born YE16 on the planet Yamatai. After graduating from a form of high school s/he took a job at an orphanage for two years taking care of young who are without homes for various reasons. It was during this time, which s/he developed an interest in the veterinary sciences and a heart for healing and caring for others.

After two years, s/he felt s/he had a good grasp on what it was like to live in the “real world”, so s/he decided to enter secondary schooling with hir parents’ enthusiasm and support. S/he signed up and was easily accepted to a public school, entering their veterinary technician program. It was supposed to be a two year program, but s/he ended up taking three – s/he couldn’t fully abandon the orphans after-all.

After graduation, Vanth, was rehired by the orphanage as a full-fledged Vet. Tech. S/he worked there for a while longer, but after a while s/he began to feel the call to education again, and soon entered graduate school with an eye to become a full fledged veterinarian.

Graduate school was a little harder than s/he thought, and half-way through s/he was forced to resign hir position at the orphanage, one of the hardest things s/he’d ever do up until that point. In addition, in order to complete on time, hir parents also had to hire a tutor, and s/he enrolled in night classes.

Moving back home again wasn’t as hard as leaving the little ones, but it wasn’t easy. S/he found it hard to adjust to hir parent’s rules again, especially after living on hir own for so long. S/he managed, and actually found the lack of responsibilities for food and shelter a little refreshing, and s/he even found that s/he was able to study better and more effectively in hir old mini apartment room and in familiar surroundings.

It took a while, and there were a few bumps, scrapes, and bruises along the way, but with a lot of grace and mercy from hir deity and hir community – not to mention pray and support from hir family – s/he managed to graduate from veterinary school with honors, and a full D.V.M. Though a year or two “late”.

Skills Learned


Vanth is well practiced in the art of providing medical care, and is verse in the knowledge to perform surgical procedure, to administering medications.

Social Connections

Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth M.D. is connected to:

Father: Farkas Vantho

Mother: Amiri Vantha

Inventory & Finance

Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth M.D. has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Dr. Farkas Amiri Vanth M.D. currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by jack_pine on 08, 13 2018 at 03:57 using the Character Template Form.

In the case dog-tor_vanth becomes inactive: