Table of Contents

Intergalactic Armistice Agreement of YE 30 (IAA)

The following draft is a proposal of the Yamatai Star Empire, in hopes that it will be found agreeable by the other nations in attendance of the International Relations Conference of YE 30 and is adapted as a temporary end to aggressions and war practices between those parties and the Empire.

Section 1

Nations in agreement will not annex, claim or invade territories belonging to the Yamatai Star Empire, and the Yamatai Star Empire will agree to not annex, claim or invade territories belonging to the agreeing nation.

Section 2

Nations who have claimed, or annexed territory through previous acts of war will maintain their current standing and boarders as they stand today, expanding in a way defined as non-aggressive towards the other agreeing nations.

Section 3

Non-aggressive expansion is defined by the following general guidelines for expansion:

* Elyisa will maintain primary expansion efforts towards the general galactic west of Yamatai. * SMX will maintain primary expansion efforts towards the general galactic south of Yamatai

Post Mishhuvaythar Evacuation Amendment

Secondary expansion is any expansion which occurs in slight modification of above, or expansion of holdings which do not fit in the above due to resource availability, spacial phenomenon or impassable space.

Section 4

This agreement does not mandate peace, but non-aggression for the period of one Yamatai Year, or until a more permanent agreement or treaty can be reached between those nations present.

Aggressive action is defined as an action which is directed to harm another agreeing nation in a manner which leads to a loss of life or property.

Section 5

The agreeing nations will agree to send a permanent diplomat to Pisces Station to ensure strong communication between the nations until another session can be scheduled. Another session of the International Relations Conference will be called in a reasonable amount of time.

Section 6

Systems released by the SMX to Nepleslia that will be returned to the YSE

United Outer Colonies Addition

Abwehran Star Empire Addition

Electronic Signatures