Drone Template

This template is used to provide a consistent structure to articles for robots, drones, and other automated equipment approximately the size of a human or smaller. For vehicle and starship-scale drones, please use the Vehicle and Starship Templates, respectively. For android or robotic Characters, please use the Character Template.

Typically, articles using this template will be in the (Insert faction or corporation here):Equipment: namespace.

====== Name ======
(Brief Overview Sentences: Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users)

|  Designer:  |  (Link to designer/s)  |
|  Nomenclature:  |  (Display Nomenclature if applicable)  |
|  Manufacturer:  | (Name and location of manufacture) |
|  Fielded by:  | (Organizations using this drone) |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]  |  Tier <Insert Tier>  |
|  Production Level  |  Mass Production, Limited Production, Prototype, etc  |
|  Pricing  |  Price XX KS, etc  |

===== Propulsion and Range =====

For Drones that move. How Fast Does it Go? How far can it go?

===== History =====

The history behind the design.

===== Function and Design =====

What does it do? How is it used?

===== Systems =====
These systems are what allows the device to perform its intended function(s).
For combat machines, this will typically be weapons, barriers, and armor.

===== OOC Notes ===== 
Who made the Page? (Put author information and art credits here.)
  * Future approval thread link

OOC Notes

Arbitrated created this article on 2018/08/16 04:05. Updated by Andrew on 01/08/2021

Template was approved for use by Kyle in this thread on August 21, 2018.