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Elysia Novus System

The Elysia Novus System is the solar system in which Elysia Novus is a planet, and as such is the capital system of the Elysian Celestial Empire

The Elysia Novus system was featured in the YSS Aeon RP1).

Planetary Overview:

Elysia Novus
# Type Distance Mass Radius
1 Rock 0.377 AU 0.160 EM 0.548
2 Venusian 0.658 AU 0.782 EM 0.923 ER
3 Terran 0.999 AU 1.1 EM 0.983 ER
- Asteroid belt 1.427 AU 0.005 EM -
4 Sub-Jovian 1.661 AU 10.165 EM 3.408 ER
5 Ice 2.032 AU 0.871 EM 0.956 ER
6 Ice 3.631 AU 0.820 EM 0.937 ER
7 Sub-Jovian 4.721 4.150 EM 2.863 ER
8 Jovian 6.877 AU 816.638 EM 13.788 ER
- Asteroid belt 14 AU 0.008 EM -
9 Jovian 21.107 AU 39.441 EM 6.255 ER
10 Ice 42. 824 AU 0.506 EM 1.068 ER
- Kuiper Belt 45-55 AU 0.1 EM -
- Termination Shock 100 AU - -
- Heliosheath 100-200 AU - -
- Bow Shock 250 AU - -
- Inner Oort Cloud 55-20,000 AU 150 EM -
- Outer Oort Cloud 20-50,000 AU 5 EM -

Planet 1: Herpro

Planet Type: Rock
Tidally Locked: 1 Face
Description: Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star: 5.6E+007 KM 0.377 AU
Mass: 0.160 Earth masses
Surface Gravity: 523.6 cm/sec2 0.53 Earth gees
Surface Pressure: 0 millibars, 0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature (Celcius): 163.8° Celcius, +269.6 °C Earth Temperature
Surface temperature (Fahrenheit): 326° Fahrenheit, +149.8 °F Earth Temperature
Normal temperature variation: Min: -208.1°C, Max: 364.6° C
Equatorial radius: 3492.5km, 0.55 Earth Radii
Density: 5.36 grams/cc, 0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.022
Escape Velocity: 6.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 152.3+
Axial tilt: 23°
Planetary albedo: 0.007
Exospheric Temperature: 8939.80° K, +7666.80 ° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 84.67 Earth days 1.00 Local days
Length of Day: 2032.05 hours
Boiling point of Water: -273.1° Celcius
Hydrosphere percentage: 0.0
Cloud cover percentage: 0.0
Ice cover percentage: 0.0

Planet 2: Hysiale

Planet Type: Venusian
Description: Hot, Arid, Cloudy, Boiling ocean, Unbreathably thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star: 9.8E+007 KM, 0.658 AU
Mass: 4.7E+024Kg, 0.782 Earth masses
Surface Gravity: 900.1 cm/sec2, 0.92 Earth gees
Surface Pressure: 86814 millibars, 85.679 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature (Celcius): 714.2° Celcius
Surface temperature (Fahrenheit): 1317.5° Fahrenheit
Normal temperature variation: Min: 683.8° C, Max: 724.5° C
Equatorial radius: 5887.9 Km, 0.92 Earth radii
Density: 5.47 grams/cc, 0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.072
Escape Velocity: 10.3 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 17.3 and above, H2O, Ne, N2, CO, NO, O2, H2S, Ar…
Axial tilt: 30°
Planetary albedo: 0.52
Exospheric Temperature: 2940.58° K, +1667.58° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 194.94 Earth days, 14.15 Local days
Length of Day: 330.58 hours
Boiling point of Water: 283.3° Celcius
Hydrosphere percentage: 0.0
Cloud cover percentage: 100.0
Ice cover percentage: 0.0

Planet 3: New Elysia

Main Article: Elysia Novus

Planet 4: Milel

Planet Type: Sub Jovian
Distance from primary star: 2.5E+008 KM, 1.661 AU
Mass: 6.1E+025Kg, 10.165 Earth masses (5.668 dust, 4.497 gas)
Equatorial radius: 21735.5 Km, 3.4 Earth radii
Density: 1.41 grams/cc, 0.26 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.069
Escape Velocity: 19.3 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 0.8 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 15°
Planetary albedo: 0.47
Exospheric Temperature: 461.60° K, -811.40° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 781.65 Earth days, 1344.18 Local days,2.14 Earth years
Length of Day: 13.96 hours

Planet 5: Joiane

Planet Type: Ice
Description: Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Normal atmosphere
Distance from primary star: 3E+008 KM, 2.032 AU
Mass: 5.2E+024Kg, 0.871 Earth masses
Surface Gravity: 934.1 cm/sec2, 0.95 Earth gees
Surface Pressure: 768 millibars, 0.758 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature (Celcius): -112.5° Celcius
Surface temperature (Fahrenheit): -170.5° Fahrenheit
Normal temperature variation: Min: -115.5° C, Max: 109.7° C
Equatorial radius: 6097.2 Km, 0.96 Earth radii
Density: 5.48 grams/cc, 0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.033
Escape Velocity: 10.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 1.7 and above, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne…
Axial tilt: 22°
Planetary albedo: 0.70
Exospheric Temperature: 308.26° K, -964.74° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 1058.11 Earth days, 1617.81 Local days, 2.90 Earth years
Length of Day: 15.70 hours
Boiling point of Water: 92.7° Celcius
Hydrosphere percentage: 0.0
Cloud cover percentage: 0.1
Ice cover percentage: 100.0

Planet 6: Itessar

Planet Type: Ice
Description: Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Normal atmosphere
Distance from primary star: 5.4E+008 KM, 3.631 AU
Mass: 4.9E+024Kg, 0.820 Earth masses
Surface Gravity: 914.7 cm/sec2, 0.93 Earth gees
Surface Pressure: 680 millibars, 0.671 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature (Celcius): -153.3° Celcius
Surface temperature (Fahrenheit): -244.0° Fahrenheit
Normal temperature variation: Min: -155.7° C, Max: 151.1° C
Equatorial radius: 5977.8 Km, 0.94 Earth radii
Density: 5.47 grams/cc, 0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.100
Escape Velocity: 10.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 0.6 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 41°
Planetary albedo: 0.70
Exospheric Temperature: 96.56° K, -1176.44° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 2527.00 Earth days, 3827.00 Local days, 6.92 Earth years
Length of Day: 15.85 hours
Boiling point of Water: 89.5° Celcius
Hydrosphere percentage: 0.0
Cloud cover percentage: 0.1
Ice cover percentage: 99.4

Planet 7: Salo

Planet Type: Sub-Jovian
Distance from primary star: 7.1E+008 KM, 4.721 AU
Mass: 2.5E+025Kg, 4.150 Earth masses (2.445 EM Dust, 1.705 EM Gas)
Equatorial radius: 18260.0 Km, 2.9 Earth radii
Density: 0.97 grams/cc, 0.18 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.143
Escape Velocity: 13.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: .2 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 23°
Planetary albedo: 0.46
Exospheric Temperature: 57.11° K, -1215.89° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 3747.13 Earth days, 4901.97 Local days, 10.26 Earth years
Length of Day: 18.35 hours

Planet 8: Deau

Planet Type: Jovian
Distance from primary star: 1E+009 KM, 6.877 AU
Mass: 4.9E+027Kg, 816.638 Earth masses (43.969 EM Dust, 772.669 EM Gas)
Equatorial radius: 87941.7 Km, 14 Earth radii
Density: 1.71 grams/cc, 0.31 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.045
Escape Velocity: 86.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 0.0 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 29°
Planetary albedo: 0.47
Exospheric Temperature: 26.92° K, -1246.08° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 6578.65 Earth days, 25067.90 Local days, 18.01 Earth years
Length of Day: 6.30 hours

Planet 9: Sysme

Planet Type: Jovian
Distance from primary star: 3.2E+009 KM, 21.107 AU
Mass: 2.4E+026Kg, 39.441 Earth masses (6.547 EM Dust, 32.893 EM Gas)
Equatorial radius: 39895.5 Km, 6.3 Earth radii
Density: 0.89 grams/cc, 0.16 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.000
Escape Velocity: 28.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 0.0 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 58°
Planetary albedo: 0.48
Exospheric Temperature: 2.86° K, -1270.14° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 35417.41 Earth days, 65377.13 Local days, 96.97 Earth years
Length of Day3: 13.00 hours

Planet 10: Esilae

Planet Type: Ice
Description: Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Unbreathably thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star: 6.4E+009 KM, 42.824 AU
Mass: 3E+024Kg, 0.506 Earth masses (0.437 EM dust, 0.070 gas)
Surface Gravity: 435.3 cm/sec2, 0.44 Earth gees
Surface Pressure: 65 millibars, 0.064 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature (Celcius): -231.9° Celcius
Surface temperature (Fahrenheit): -385.4° Fahrenheit
Normal temperature variation: Min: -234.7° C, Max: -229.1° C
Equatorial radius: 6811.5 Km, 1.1 Earth radii
Density: 2.29 grams/cc, 0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.071
Escape Velocity: 7.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained: 0.0 and above, H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O…
Axial tilt: 65°
Planetary albedo: 0.22
Exospheric Temperature: 0.69° K, -1272.31° C Earth temperature
Length of Year: 102360.77 Earth days, 106951.28 Local days, 280.24 Earth years
Length of Day: 22.97 hours
Boiling point of Water: 37.2° Celcius
Hydrosphere percentage: 0.0
Cloud cover percentage: 0.0
Ice cover percentage: 100.0
Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameElysia Novus
Map Coordinates1294,1563
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesstar system