Ke-M3-W2710 Mini-Missile Launcher Pods

The two conformal pods (Based on the WA-05 launchers used by the Lamia and Mindy power armors) contain launchers for wormhole-killing mini-missiles, as well as a countermeasure system. When not in use, the missiles are protected by the pods' launcher covers. Also known as the WickedArms WA-11.

Entered Service: YE 27

Warhead: Star Army Mini-Missiles, Type 41.

Warhead: WickedArms AM-M5-SD or Ke-M2-W2703-SDMM Subspace Detonating Mini-Missiles

Warhead: WickedArms AM-M5-MF or Ke-M2-W2703-MFMA Multi-Function Missile Avoidance

Warhead: WickedArms AM-M5-AR or Ke-M2-W2703-ARMA Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance

Munition dependent